The Life Of A Wife In Ministry
Dear wives and wives to be,
First things first, know that God LOVES marriage and the devil HATES marriage!
Look at that ring, look at your husband, wonderful aren't they? Rings are beautiful but sometimes (speaking from experience) we can let shiny objects get to our heads. We might fall into putting ourselves up on a high horse. Often times as well, just because we have a husband, we throw the name "wife" around as if it's a stamp of perfection. Not one person on this earth is perfect, even married couples go through as they walk their journey with Christ as one. The true goal in a marriage is to keep the covenant we have made before God. It's about showing others how becoming one with someone (THAT'S GOD APPROVED) gives all the glory to God and His love. It's about helping out to build the kingdom while using strategic teamwork. Now it's a blessing that you're married or you want to get married, but don't let that thing God blessed you with become your new god! What I mean by this is, don't put anything or anybody before God. God is our first love. Yes, we love our husbands and husbands to be, but that doesn't mean we make them our new god! Seek first the kingdom...(Matthew 6:33 NLT) Often times I have to read over this scripture, there's no shame in it, sometimes being married can be overly exciting and we can lose sight of why we are in this position in the first place.
Becoming a wife in ministry was way more than I expected it to be, and everyday I learn something new about the position that I am in as a wife. When you're in ministry and you have an anointed man of God, you're going to have to put in spiritual work. You're going to have to cover your husband and marriage in prayer and go to war against the enemy on the daily basis, especially since you're a wife. I say this because as a wife we are known to be the weaker vessels in our marriages. This isn't saying that we can't do anything, it just means that our husbands have the authority because that is what God has said it should be. Often times the enemy tries to move through us wives just to cause a conflict in order to take down our husbands. The husbands are the heads of the house hold and if the head gets taken out, then everything collapses and no longer works. If we allow the enemy to move through us (*cough cough* FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS) then we are basically allowing the downfall of our husbands. DON'T GIVE THE ENEMY POWER!!! In ministry, the enemy tries to slip stupid things in the minds of wives to cause conflicts and arguments, or unhappiness. WHY? Because the devil hates marriage! When your husband is operating in the five fold, pouring out to people, whether it be a prophetic word, teaching a sermon, or praying for people, YOU'VE GOT TO BE ON GUARD PRAYING FOR YOUR HUSBAND'S STRENGTH AND CANCELLING THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE ENEMY! You've got to constantly cover your husband and children(if you have them) and going to war in your heavenly language! Why? Because (coming from experience) the enemy tries to start a conflict after a huge move of God has taken place. Going to war for your husband and children and covering yourself is extremely important for your marriage and household and mindset.
Now then, as women in general, we love spending time with our significant other and having romantic moments. When you're a wife, you can have all of that on the daily basis. Hard to believe? How to you picture romance? It's all about how you look at certain things. For instance sometimes the Bible can step on our toes when we feel conviction or need correction even though the whole Bible is a love story! How? Don't tell me that you forgot WHO loved you enough to give up his life for your sins! As married women, we have become one with our husbands, therefore no matter how long you're in church or if someone's at work or on a trip, you're still in each other's minds and hearts. Whether there's days you'd like to admit it or not haha! (Yes, there's sunny AND rainy days in a marriage, hold the umbrella together through the storm) Also as women, of course we love date nights and flowers or whatever it is that we find to be romantic. What I've come to realize is that men of God are very romantic on the daily basis. Your husband leads your heart to Christ, through his elevation, you elevate, your husband pushes you to have a very strong relationship with God, he encourages you to use your gifts for the glory of God and he encourages you to strive higher for the things of God. Husbands want us to be in love with God first, and though rainy days come and go, it makes marriages stronger and sweeter when we know that God is our first love.
My life as a wife in ministry has been a HUGE learning experience. It's been good for my spiritual growth even on those days where I have to bite my tongue and admit I'm wrong. YES LADIES, WE AREN'T ALWAYS RIGHT! I DON'T KNOW WHO TOLD US THIS LIE BUT UHHH.. Being a wife in ministry is also a very humbling experience as well. So far, it's shown me that romantic moments at home can be as simple as holding hands and being completely vulnerable with each other, and being honest and forgiving of each other. It's shown me that my husband wants me to push more in the things of God so that as a wife, I stay on the right path. It's also shown me that if my husband ever did anything that I didn't like, then I should go to God and only God about it and leave it on the altar. (Don't run to people about your marriage issues, not everyone is happy about your marriage and some people might even have secret prayers for your downfall) When your husband has done something wrong AND YOU KNOW THAT THERE WAS AN HONEST MISUNDERSTANDING THAT CAUSED HIM TO BE WRONG, the Lord will show him. Don't just go running to God COMPLAINING about his shoes being everywhere or you just being petty, that's not right y'all. You'll cause arguments with your husband and as the WORD says("A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as a constant dripping on a rainy day" Proverbs 27:15 NLT) Yeah it's good to read Proverbs 31 as a wife BUT all throughout Proverbs there are somethings it says about women and wives getting annoying and such, don't fall out of position!
I've also come to learn that other women look to you for encouragement and are curious about marriage. When talking to other women about marriage and how you and your husband got to where you are today, make sure you aren't throwing your husband under the bus. Also, don't make it seem like you're the perfect spouse that can't hurt a fly either! Of course it's good to be real because your marriage could give others hope to find their loved one. Always use wisdom on what you say when you explain marriage to other women, back up your words with scriptures. You don't have to down play your spouse just to get your point across, own up to the mistakes you've made with dignity. Some women may have a temper problem and they might want to ask you how to overcome that in a marriage. Others may have a problem with submission, make sure you don't mix worldly submission definitions with biblical submission definitions. ("When she speaks, her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindness" Proverbs 31:26 NLT.) When talking to other women about marriage, don't put fear or doubt into the hopeful hearts of single women, encourage them. Whether your'e having a good or bad day with your spouse, repent and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance when approaching marriage topics.
The Life of A Wife in Ministry is a beautiful yet humbling experience. As wives, we are to support, love, and encourage our husbands. We are to stand by our husbands with strength and grace in order to represent God as one and we are to be mindful of our words and actions when talking to others about marriage. I hope this was a blessing to the wives and wives to be, I love you all!
Stay Blessed and Encouraged:)
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