For The Overwhelmed Woman
Okay darlings, let's dive into today's post on a real level here. You get tired sometimes, whether you're a mother, a woman who is constantly working, a creative who is tending to their vision, a wife who is trying to be a good helpmate, a woman who is constantly hitting the books to gain that degree or maybe you are ALL of the above. Either way, you get tired from time to time and sometimes you might be able to get yourself out of that funk of being tired but this time it might be different for you. You might be overwhelmed by not just the tough things in your life but by the blessings in your life. I already know what you're thinking: "Girl, how can I be overwhelmed by MY OWN blessings?!" Well my dear, it's surely possible. Your child is a blessing but you grow tired of mothering during the tough times. Your job is a blessing but maybe the long hours aren't allowing you to enjoy time with loved ones. Your education is a blessing but maybe there's times where you just want to throw in the towel when you're so close to finishing. Ladies, need I say more? It's easy to become overwhelmed with the blessings in your life but guess what? We find comfort and calmness in the One who even graced us enough to have the current blessings that we have now. God has already given us the very thing that we need in our times of being overwhelmed and it starts with His living Word.
"Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Psalms 55:22 NLT
The problem with us ladies is that sometimes we bite off more than we can chew mentally and what I mean by that is, we can become so consumed with being the "woman that can do it all" that we forget one very important detail as believers in Christ. WE CAN'T FIGHT OUR OWN BATTLES! I don't care how strong you think you are but guess what, we are not where we are today by our own power. If it were up to us honestly we would all be in some rough stages in life (being on the WRONG SIDE OF LIFE) but thank God that we said "yes" to God and if you are reading this and you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I dare you to try Jesus today! Now then, we need to know that when we bite off more than we can chew mentally, we are honestly setting ourselves up for destruction which then leads to us giving up, having breakdowns, and staying in a pitiful mindset. Now don't get me wrong, we as women are strong but that does not mean that we are so strong that we can handle any and everything on our own. Breaking points form as well as built up tears. Often times, the women who are the strongest in your point of view go through so much that they become numb and are able to mask their troubles with an easy smile. You just never know but if this is you then there is no need to worry. You have someone in your corner who is unchanging and uplifting. You have God and it's time for you to pass everything that's on your plate to Him. It's okay to go into a place of needing God so badly that you just don't know what else you can do. Lay down whatever it may be that is causing you to feel overwhelmed and watch Him take care of you.
"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything will reward you." Matthew 6:6 NLT
Now then, as women we already know we are very busy and this isn't just for a specific woman. This is for all women. For the single mother who's doing her best for her children, for the young wife who is trying to do right by her husband and family, for the woman who thinks it's too late but God is just getting started with her, & for the woman who is bold enough to do everything that God has called her to do, guess what girl? This is for you! Take time to be still in God's presence and find a small place where you can get that urgent prayer out to God ASAP! If the kids are running all throughout the house, go to the bathroom and send out that prayer. If you are on your lunch break, sit in the break room or your car alone and send up the prayer. If you're about to take an exam and you really need God to work a miracle, get that prayer out before you start. It's time to start focusing in more on the King so that He can see your efforts and take care of everything! (Unintentional rhyme lol) Your hard work does not go by unnoticed woman of God! You might be the woman who helps everyone and when you need help the most, nobody is around. Maybe you're the woman who can solve everyone else's problems but when it comes to your own problems, you go blank. You might be the woman who has been sowing seeds into good ground and you may even be sowing seeds into people knowing that it's your last. You might be the woman that people view as fake and distant but all the while God is trusting you to stay in position and pray for the very ones who come against you. No matter the position you were called to, your hard work does not go by unnoticed and don't forget that your slip ups don't go by unnoticed either. We all mess up sometimes but God is watching to see if we are going to choose to stay messed up or at least try to work towards being better than who we were yesterday.
"O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for You are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings! Psalms 61:1-4 NLT
When you are in your time of feeling overwhelmed, run to God instead of running to the phone. Now don't get me wrong, some people are here to send up prayers for you but there are those (who you would least expect) that will only pretend that they want to help you when really they enjoy your down fall moments. Are you the woman who tends to trust people more than you trust God? If so, it's time to run to God and sit back and look at ALL of things that God has kept you from and saved you from through His Son, Jesus Christ. It's easy for us to try to throw our problems to the closest listening ear but the most eager ear isn't always the best ear. If you need someone to pray for you then BE LEAD BY THE HOLY GHOST when seeing who should really be praying for you. Afterwards, in your home, job, or where ever you may be, cry out to the Lord with what you need and He will supply it. Leaning on God first is something that you will have to put into practice on the daily basis, it's easy to go to people and things to TRY to fill voids but only God can bring us FULL comfort and fulfillment through the Holy Ghost. The Father is there to be your safe place, the place where He corrects you because He loves you and disciplines you so that you will stay in YOUR position. It's time to start putting Him above all else not just by our words but by our actions as well.
"The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm." Exodus 14:14 NLT
Woman of God, it's time for you to be still in His presence and take the moment to breathe. Your blessings were given to you and now it's time to maintain them. Yes, there may be days where you might want to give up or even push your purpose to the side but in your weakest moments, He is made strong. This week make it a goal to refrain from complaining about how tough it maybe. Find at least 3 positive things to your one negative. It's time to become full of His joy and comfort, it might be easier said than done but when you at least try, He will help you every step of the way. You've got this ladies!
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
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