Girl...Why You Leaving The House Like That?!?

Hygiene? Check! Hair? Check! Outfit? Check! Well Being? Uhhh..what?

As women, we love taking care of ourselves and we often have certain things that we take interest in when it comes down to our appearances. Whether it be clothes, doing our hair, taking care of our make up, etc, we seem to almost never neglect the way we leave the house. Alas, there is something within us that rarely gets clothed or done up and we often forget about it until it's too late. That's right, our well being. We get so caught up in how we look and feel on the outside that we almost always forget how we look and feel on the inside. As Women of God walking alongside with Christ, we already know that attacks will try to come, it's always up to us if the attacks succeeds or not. Now listen, you wouldn't walk out the house naked and exposing your body to strangers, so why are you leaving the house with your well being naked? How are you going to battle with no battle armor or battle gear? Girl...why you leaving the house like that?

What is my battle armor? What weapons? How can I fight back?

As believers of Christ, we go through storms and attacks try to come our way every now and then. Now, when you are totally exposed to the enemy, you come off as an easy target. The enemy almost views you as a toy, being able to pick you up and play around with you until it gets bored. The enemy will only come at you as if you are weak because of how you present yourself. If you come off as exposing your well being as weak and feeble then the enemy will believe that it has a power over you. BUT! When you know who you are in the Lord and you have the battle strategies and equipment He has given you, the enemy will become desperate. What is your battle armor? The WHOLE Armor of God. And the whole armor is:
  • Helmet of Salvation
  • Breastplate of Righteousness 
  • Shield of Faith
  • Belt of Truth
  • Sword of the Spirit
  • Shoes to spread the Gospel of Peace
Ephesians 6:10-18 covers and talks about having on the whole armor of God and praying in the spirit at all times and on every occasion. When you begin to feed your well being with the Word of God and prayer, you become stronger, you become more aware of whats going on around you. You'll begin to hear the Lord's voice clearer and before the enemy even tries to send an attack, you'll already know how to cover yourself and on how to fight back. So while you're putting together your outfit for the next day, make sure you're preparing and dressing yourself with the WHOLE armor of God. Now that we know about our armor, what about our weapons? Well first of all, you've gotta know that we aren't fighting against flesh & blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities unseen to us (See Ephesians 6:12) Therefore, when you begin to go through, you have multiple, strong weapons to use. Not to mention, all of these are EASY ACCESS!
  • Praying
  • The Word of God
  • Praise
  • Worship
  • Fasting
Praying and fasting kills off your flesh and shows you how to deny yourself on the daily basis. You begin to look at things in a new light, you react with everything being lead by the Holy Spirit rather than your feelings and emotions. Prayer is powerful especially when covering yourself and others. Praising and worshiping God through the good and bad begins to strengthen your faith and trust in Him. When you get to a place in your life where you can just praise and worship God just for who He is, your heart becomes grateful. Lastly, the Word of God. The Word of God is precious and important to have as your weapon because it guides and teaches us everything we need to know about our walk with Christ and who our Lord is. When you begin to speak scripture over yourself and to your situation, things begin to shift in your favor. See love, it's all about knowing who you are and WHO'S you are. You are a child of a King who lives forever. Don't go leaving your house naked and playing victim when the enemy attacks, all of these weapons are accessible to us. You've gotta cover yourself and be prepared to fight back with confidence in the Lord.

Now that you've got everything you'll need, you're looking beautiful girl, now go on and tackle and complete your goals!

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
