Marriage Material Through God’s Eyes

Whether you’re a married woman, a woman who’s engaged or dreamt of being married or you admire marriage and you’re waiting for your Godly husband to come, everyone always has a say in how you should operate as a wife. Many people can have advice on being a wife with good intentions in their hearts and mind, but alas, there are bitter women in the world who would rather find out the details of your life to approve if you’re marriage material in their eyes. Now as crazy as that may sound, it’s true. SOME women who aren’t married or who want to married rather scare the idea of marriage out of young or even older married couples or single people who love the idea of marriage. Their mouths run on and on and on about the things you should and should not be doing and they are suddenly “experts” on marriage. Note, these are women who DONT have good intentions for you. Then you have men who try to tell you what a wife is and isn’t. Well let me tell you something dear readers, you’re qualified to be the best wife you can be because when you have God giving you instructions and guidance, you’re already on the right path to being marriage material because it’s through His eyes and not through the eyes

Escaping the opinions of others 

As wives, many tasks, jobs, and duties are taken on and while you’re determined to stand tall on your own two feet, there’s always that one person who thinks you’re not “woman enough” For example: Not woman enough to have a husband like that. Or not woman enough to raise children. Not woman enough because you’re a stay at home wife or not woman enough because you work and can’t take care of the house. Some may think that these phrases are unreal and absurd but let me tell you, once you get married or when anything huge takes place in your life (new baby, job, house, school, etc) people’s true colors and opinions come out. They can be unbelievable at first but it’s very real. Some women will tell you that you don’t know how to keep a man and although there might be times where you want to be petty and say “at least I have a man” it’s best to approach each situation with grace and God’s Word. As wives whether you’re younger or older, people always decide whether you’re doing something right or wrong as a wife. We thank God for the genuine people in our lives who actually supports our marriage, it’s just for those who pretend, you’ll notice that slick comments always pop up every time you accomplish a goal and beat out a stereotype. If you aren’t covering your mind and will on the daily basis, it’s easy to get consumed by the opinions of others, you may even fall into listening and doing what they think you should be doing rather than consulting with God and communicating with your husband. If you’ve even felt like you were being wrapped up in the opinions of other women, then it’s time you get down on your knees and get some one on one time with God. Ask Him to deliver you from the opinions of others on the DAILY basis and ask Him for guidance on how to be a Godly Wife/Mother, etc. God always provides a way of escape, you’ve just got to know that seeking Him ALL throughout your marriage, will strengthen you, not only as a wife, but as a humble servant to God.

Marriage Material 

Many people, all throughout time has always said that you’ve got to know how to cook and clean in order to keep a man. I never paid any attention to this until I began to be on my own. You see, we shouldn’t teach young women to cook and clean just for a man, we should teach them to cook and clean and take care of themselves because when they move out on their own, they won’t have to depend on anyone else to wash their clothes or keep track of their money. Same for young men, each person should know how to take care of themselves before they get married because nobody wants to raise/babysit a grown person. Now there a many women who may long to be married and they may go by every “wife rule book” known to man, but because of certain reasons, they still aren’t married. And here you are married, working hard, and living to please God as best as possible and they see you and may not know how to receive and OFTEN times not knowing how to respect you. So they knock you down and slander you and try to push your buttons. They don’t believe your marriage material because in their minds you can’t possibly know as much as them. ( not all women think like this ) How many know that we gain our knowledge and guidance from God though? Don’t worry about the worldly standards, become marriage material in God’s eyes. Lean on the Word of God.
Become a wife who anoints her home and cares for it, before you or your husband leaves for work, pray over each other. Cover your children in prayer. Study the Word of God with diligence so when the attacks of the enemy try to come against you or your marriage, you can fight back with the truth of scriptures and knowing who you are in Christ. Become a wife who constantly covers her husband while he ministers to people and if you minister, make sure to cover yourself and your marriage because some men will find the anointing on your life attractive and will try to tell you that you are their wife when you’re clearly already married. Become the wife who knows how to bind up and rebuke the enemy and ungodly thoughts that try to come against your mind or the minds of your children. Sow seeds of life into your relationship with God to get closer to Him throughout your marriage and so that your children will follow in your footsteps and one day give their life to Christ as well. Lead by example for other wives who may want Christ but don’t know where to start. Become a wife of encouragement, not only for yourself but for other wives and even single sisters in Christ as well. Most of all, know that you aren’t gullible, sharpen your discernment so that you don’t allow things to sneak up on you or your marriage. Become marriage material through God’s eyes.

Single or Married, God is #1

A lot of people say “during your time of singleness do “xyz” before your husband comes. Ladies listen, God and building a relationship with Him needs to be your number one focus while your single and when you get married. You don’t stop praising God just because He sent you a husband. You don’t stop giving God the glory just because you got a new job or you received news about having a baby. We’ve got to realize that we still need God desperately on our bad AND good times. When you finally start to receive all the blessings you’ve been believing in God for, that’s not the time to slack off on seeking His face or calling His name in the late midnight hour. If anything it means you’ve gotta push even harder because now that your faith is growing the enemy will always try to come around the corner and see if he can still rock ya around a little bit. God should be your number one focus whether you’re single or married because it’s all about building relationship with Him, knowing what your purpose is and carrying out the duties of a humble servant that are stated in the Bible. It’s all about being pleasing to God and His will. So ladies, beware of those who just try to connect with you because of your social status. Some people focus on filling up seats to their event while others focus on filling up the seats in Heaven! Discern and keep God #1

“Who can find a virtuous & cable wife? She is more precious than rubies.” ~Proverbs 31:10~

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged 
