Getting Back On Track
Hello everyone, I know it is has been a very long time since I have written on here. There's not really a particular reason, I've actually had time to write but the thing was, I was stumped. I don't write up here unless I was given something by the Holy Spirit and honestly, this whole time, I would pray and pray and pray and still nothing would pop up. Now I know a lot of people can say that I just got writers block but see the thing is, I told God that I wouldn't write unless something was placed on my heart by the Holy Spirit. I told Him this and I stand on this personally because I already know that I can write about any and everything and I don't want this blog to glorify myself, I want it to glorify God in every way possible. When you know you're good at something or you take confidence in what you do, it's actually pretty easy to become full of yourselves, just being real. This is when you have to take a step back and remember that you wouldn't be where you are today if it wasn't for Jesus Christ. You wouldn't have a second, third, or fourth chance if Jesus didn't die on the cross for your sins. So now that you know my strict rule with my writing, I can tell you that in the midst of me waiting for something to write about, I became lazy and comfortable. Yes, I can openly admit that to you all, I know I'm not the only one who's had this happen to them before and it was by my own hand that I became lazy on something that I'm not only passionate about but also about something that I know God told me to do.
You see, the thing was after having days of praying and feeling like I wasn't hearing anything or God just decided not to answer anything, I went through different stages of mindsets while I was waiting. I believe it was the first 2 weeks of not writing, I was almost anxious and frantic because I knew I had a writing schedule to keep to and I felt as if I had to get something out to please the people. Yes, you read that right, I honestly felt anxious and frantic because I thought I had to push stuff out to please the people. After time began to pass even more, I became frustrated a lot, getting angry over something that I cared about and I even began to speak negatively over the blog. I remember calling it a waste of time and pointless. The frustration carried on and when even more time began to pass, I felt stuck and gave up on it and became careless. I had stopped praying about it, I stopped speaking life to it and finally, I became lazy. I got used to not writing at all and some days would pass and I would barely even glance at my computer. I went through all these different feelings and emotions in the midst of waiting to the point to where I didn't care if I never wrote anything again. As we all know feelings and emotions can lead us astray and life/death are in the power of the tongue. Sometimes we don't even realize how much power our words actually carry. Each of these little times I've had, I would discover something within myself that I had to deal with and I literally had to refocus myself.
God didn't call me to do a thing just to put it on the back burner and get into a comfortable place. When you are within your comfort zone, you stay stagnant, you don't move forwards or backwards, you're just stuck in the same place as if a ceiling is over your head. If you aren't careful, you'll trick yourself into thinking that that's where you're supposed to be, but you're destined to go higher than that. Push beyond your limits and put yourself out there to grow in the fullness of God. I began to shift my mindset, thinking on the things that God gave me. I began to get into a grateful place. As I write this today, I didn't even know what would be popping up onto the screen until I just prayed and started typing. When you are passionate about something or when you know you are called to do a thing, every single day you should be putting time into it. Whether it be 10 minutes to an hour, work on your craft everyday, pray over it and speak life into it. Ask the Lord that whatever is not like Him to be removed. Decrease in yourself so that He may increase! That comfort zone is not your friend, it's a graveyard full of abandoned seeds. You are meant to grow, someone needs to see you bloom.
Getting back on track doesn't always need a step by step chart, sometimes you gotta know that you are meant for greater. You have a story that people need to hear. You have a praise that encourages others. You have a voice that needs to be heard. The enemy can try to keep you in one place but when you realize that you are a child of the Almighty, you know you're destined to WIN! This is a short post but this is all that was placed on my heart, I pray that this encourages someone. It encouraged me haha, sometimes what you put out to others, God will use it to open your eyes and encourage you. It's good to back & better than before! Glory to God!
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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