The Supportive Spouse
You see the most vulnerable parts of your spouse, support them with every chance you get...
Once you become one with your spouse in marriage, there will be many times where your support for them will be needed much more than before. Usually when we see the word "support" we may think about gifts and or businesses or schooling. Although these all do apply of course there is a much more deeper meaning of support in a marriage. Today we will be discussing the different kinds of support you can give to your spouse.
The Back Stage Pass Support
God blesses each and every one of us with something to do and excel in. Most of the time, for His glory, He will bless us with new ideas and visions that is apart of our own individual ministries in order to reach out to those who need to see and know that God is real and can transform anyone who is willing to receive His son as their Lord & Savior. When your spouse is given a blessing like this and is following the Lord's instructions on how to care, handle, and maintain it, it's up to you to support them through the beginning and ending stages. When your spouse is attending school, starting a business or starting their own brand, you get the back stage pass to everything that is really going on. You'll be there to witness the ups and the downs, the re-dos, the frustrating moments, and the tearful moments. You have access to witness all of these things and when you do, don't just sit there and let it all unfold on their shoulders. Support your spouse. Speak into their lives during the successful AND unsuccessful moments. Many people only push and support a thing that looks shiny and glamorous and has some type of popularity but there still are the few that genuinely support a thing because they see God in the midst of it and they can relate to it in some way, shape or form. Make sure you are one of the few, it would be awful if your spouse felt as though they couldn't look to you for support. Be sure to keep in mind that this goes for both wives and husbands. You are meant to support each other when you KNOW you are doing what God has called you to do.
The Comforting Support
During the tough days with dealing with work, ministry, people, or the enemy just throwing attacks left and right, sometimes your spouse just needs comfort. It's a lot to deal with as it is because you've said yes to Christ so of course this walk isn't as easy as we would like it to be but in these times, don't be another button that's been pushed to tick off your spouse. Again, when reading this, this entire post applies to both husband and wife. Now then, when days like these seem as though they are weighing down on your spouse, comfort them through it alongside with telling them whatever it is that God has given to you to release. Sometimes all they need is an encouraging moment to build their faith back up in God. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do for them in moments of doubt is just holding their hand or looking into their eyes and reminding them of the promises that God has spoken into their lives. You and your spouse are a team, you should fit to each other like a glove (you will if you listen to God on who you should marry and pick the God choice and not the good enough choice) Don't just sit there and allow your spouse to get beat up by doubt or fear, speak into them, remind them of the promises and most importantly, get involved! Maybe there are ideas within you that work hand in hand with the vision that God has blessed your spouse with. Release them to your spouse if you have them. Be their number one supporter. Even if it's just you and your spouse, at the end of it all, when they look back, they'll be able to say that you were always there for them during the successful and unsuccessful days. You'll be appreciated and you'll display to them that they are not alone in this!
The Unseen Support
The most important thing you can ever do for your spouse is prayer. You know what's the best thing about praying for others is? You don't have to tell them that you're praying for them and when you see God move for them, you still don't have to say that you've been praying for them. All you need to do is continue to give thanks to God. See, when you are designed to pray for others, you're already humbling yourself because you are taking the time to ask God to provide and help out the next person rather than just asking about you. When you do this GENUINELY, you're taking care of the Lord's business, and when you take care of His business, He'll take care of yours. A tragic event isn't required in order to pray for your spouse. All that is required is that your mind and mouth are doing them and their visions from God good and not harm. Life and death is in the power of the tongue and God watches our thoughts as well. This unseen support is extremely important and helpful alongside with speaking things into existence. Sometimes when you aren't around your spouse or even in your mind just start speaking success and for the Lord's will to be done into existence. Start claiming victory over your spouse and their visions and ideas. Thank God for choosing your spouse to carry out whatever precious tasks that God gave them to carry. Be joyful during this time because when God blesses you or your spouse (or both) with ideas and visions to reach the people for His glory, that means He can trust you guys with it.
As we draw to a close, I hope this has encouraged and helped both the spouse who needed the support and the spouse that needs to start showing support. Show up for you and your spouse, walk in the anointing that God has placed over your life. You didn't go through all of that fighting to gain it just to let it sit and collect dust! Walk in it! Use what God has placed within you. Build up and support your spouse.
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
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