Applying Grace To Your Marriage
Check yourself because you knew you were wrong not because it looks good in front of an audience.
Dear Kingdom Sisters as well as my Kingdom Brothers, this is different right? Uploading on a Wednesday night? Certainly wasn't planned but sometimes you just have to do what is being put on you to do. I've found that lately it's been more of a press to just do what God is leading you to do. I know that this may sound weird because I mean come on, half of you have always been that way and honestly I would've expected myself to be this way more daily. Well dear reader, neither of us are perfect. I have my areas, my ways, and my days where it's just "ugh" or "come on, do better". It's up to you whether or not you can call yourself out on it and to do so genuinely whether you have an audience or not. "An audience?" Well, some of us check ourselves for the wrong reasons and we do so in front of an audience just to gain sentiment and or a pat on the back from others. We may bark all day long on social media but behind closed doors our tails are tucked between our legs so far that we begin to somersault into self destruction even deeper than before. If you're going to check yourself, do it because YOU know you messed up or slacked off, or returned to your old ways. Don't do it to show everyone how humble you think you are. Personally from experience, I've seen that the more someone claims to be humble constantly, their actions say otherwise. It's just like how someone is always going on and on about how grown they are but in doing so, they expose their own childish ways. Now then dear readers, for those who are married, let's dive in and even if you desire marriage, I advise you stick along as well. Honestly some of what we will be getting into can even be applied to friendships and or open your eyes to how you've been operating in your friendships.
Appreciate them in a way that you would want to be appreciated.

Some fights just aren't worth having..
So he left his shoes out again, she ran up all the hot water. He let the baby's diaper sit for too long while your hands were full, or she didn't feel like cooking so take out it is. He might've been on the game for too long again and you guys missed your chance of having alone time because the baby is up again, she was lazy all day due to tiredness and the kids had a free for all day and the house is destroyed. Of course these are small examples for different situations that can apply all over BUT a lot of arguments and sometimes even our worst ones are over things that are small AND stupid. You're offended? Well just imagine how I'm feeling having to write this, I'm the first partaker of it all. When you look back over big arguments, half the time you can't even remember what started it. All you remember is the reaction from your spouse, the trigger words, and the pain afterwards. Now of course we all have arguments about big issues as well. Hopefully though you're being open and honest more in order to refrain from those! When it comes down to the small stuff, they're not worth it, they get you both heated and leave you only thinking about those three things. Need a refresher? Arguments leaves you with these in your mind:
- How your spouse reacted.
- The trigger words that were used.
- The pain from it all

Leaving yesterday IN yesterday.
It's incredibly easy to bring up old arguments and past hurts that your spouse may have put you through. If you aren't one to communicate, during an argument, you might lash out about a time where your spouse hurt your feelings and even though it's been stuck on you forever, the arguments gets more intense because you're suddenly releasing NEW information. Our spouses can’t read our minds and we can't read theirs, this is why it's important to COMMUNICATE what bothered you or is currently bothering you WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS. After doing so, you both can have a discussion and find ways to overcome it and move on with healing. Leaving yesterday in yesterday is important in a marriage because if you constantly hang onto what used to weigh you down, your spouse will outgrow you and you'll be out of position and be stuck playing catch up. Don't you want what God has in store for you within your marriage and for you as an individual servant to Him? How can you get there carrying weights, hurts, and fears of yesterday? Honestly when you're married, it's more of a blessing than people realize (when you're with who God sent). You literally have someone who can see the ugliest side of you (we ALL have it and God is removing it) and they'll still be there. I cannot tell you enough how important it is to be vocal about "back then" with your spouse and finally gaining the courage to let it go. Let me tell you something because I've done it one too many times before. Sometimes we don't want to let our pains go because of regret, embarrassment, and just wanting to have something to vent about. Some people actually WANT others to feel bad for them and this is one of the most unhealthiest things you can put yourself through. Know that the more you hold onto it, the less you'll grow. Talk it through with your spouse, fast your way through it, seek Holy Ghost filled counsel and leave it in God's hands. Don't pull back His fingers either, let Him flick you away from your past hurts and into the newness that He has for you. Also know when you are discussing past hurts, it doesn't just have to be about things from 5 years ago, it can also be something from 5 days or even 5 hours ago. Leave yesterday in yesterday, your marriage will produce better fruit!
Displaying patience in the midst of being impatient..
Habits. We ALL have them. Good, bad, draining, energizing, or even addicting, whatever it might be for you, there's a habit that you have that your spouse dislikes. We already know that there are a MILLION habits we don't like that our spouse has. But what if someone were to come up to you and ask you what habits do YOU have that drive your spouse crazy... Would you be able to list them or would you hesitate and trip over your words? It's easier to point the finger.. Take me for example, I would vocally go on about all the habits I couldn't stand and there's a lot but I would be saying the same thing every other day. Whenever I saw even a tiny ounce of it, I was hounding it and dragging on and on and on. One thing that I had noticed was that I rarely would hear or even be notified of anything that I did that bothered my husband. Again, please know that this applies to both husbands and wives, this is not a bash yourself or bash your spouse session. Also for those who desire marriage, don't think that I'm talking about OBVIOUS red flags that can damage you or go against your faith in God! Think about those habits that are small and annoying when being done repeatedly.
That's what marriage is, overcoming tiny things that take the longest while on the other hand, releasing big discussions that seem somewhat easier and don't last nearly as long. Strange isn't it? I know! During all of these habits that won't seem to end, are you being patient about them or are you just to the point to where you're flipping your lid every 2 seconds? Well you won't be a fan of this response but showing patience when you don't want to is actually very beneficial. Even when you don't see an immediate change in your spouse right away, just by going about it a different way, your spouse will notice and slowly but surely they'll begin to shift. Now please don't be out here praying for actual patience because that just brings on odd and extremely pressure filled situations where patience seems even more impossible to achieve. Just ask the Lord to shift your mindset before reacting. Displaying patience allows you to apply grace more efficiently because we're in this for the long haul, might as well get along in a healthy way.

Remember: YOU decided to say "I DO" to this person!

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
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