Overcoming Self Destructive Tendencies
How are you doing mentally?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
Not only that but your flesh must truly be out of control to not be afraid of the very One who knows all of the things that you try to hide and can see right through your religious front. Now then, when we see think of others in a certain matter, HOW DARE WE? How are we so eager and almost happy to have a "mhm that's them" moment? Are we really so tangled up in our own insecurities that we have to put them onto someone else just for the sake of appearing happy? So then I ask you, how are you doing mentally? What are you feeding your mind about those who labor among you? Did you forget about how that particular person used to pray for you consistently? Did you forget how much they poured into you without taking any credit of doing so? Where is your mind at when you decide to falsely testify against your neighbor just for the sake of having someone on "your side." I thought that we were all after one common goal, to hear "Well Done" at the end of it all. Now don't take this in as a self bashing session, you've been there, I've been there, there's someone reading this right now that is currently there and guess what, YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAY THAT WAY! You don't have to pull on other people to look down on someone else just for the sake of making your flesh feel better. So again I ask, how are we truly doing mentally if we're always so worried about others in an unhealthy matter? Unhealthy as in gossiping, tearing down their name just because they did something you didn't like. Coming down on their character just because you don't like the way others love them and you want to change that. Then there are those who will pretend to be the victim just for the sake of again having someone on "their side." Now is truly not the time to be divided because there are too many people out here who don't know that Jesus Christ is Lord and to have feuds and quarrels in the Body of Christ is getting us nowhere. If any of this applies to you, then there are probably some self destructive tendencies within you but don't worry, it's possible to overcome and release them. How do I know? Because I've been through it.
When imaginary injustices take place...

Is this just a "religious front" or am I really in love with God?
Knowing where you are in your relationship with God is very critical to how far you'll go when it comes down to discerning and so much more. Sadly, some of us fall into thinking that if everyone around us is doing a certain thing then they should just do the same in order to fit in. Stay with me here because it mainly happens in churches with people who aren't really there for what they should be there for. People will observe others praising and worshiping God intensely and because it looks so good, they'll do the same. They'll break out into a dance, they'll portray an image of truly having a relationship with God but as soon as they get home, their flesh can barely breathe and they yank that mask right on off. You may be reading this and wonder about the ones who truly do have relationship but they have troublesome areas, well dear reader, THAT'S EVERYONE! Everyone has an area that they struggle with, that's why Jesus is so important. But with the ones who put on a front, they literally have the intent of only looking the part in front of certain ones because they think it's necessary when obviously it's not. Can they be set free from this? ABSOLUTELY! Can anyone make them get freedom, no, only if they're willing. The Holy Ghost can convict them though but we know that God won't make us do anything because of free will but when we truly desire for His will to be done, that's when we can follow through with His plans. If you feel as though you're portraying a religious front, you can break free from that! Call and seek good counsel.
Plans succeed through good counsel; don't go to war without wise advice. Proverbs 20:18
After doing so and or if you can't immediately seek good counsel, look within yourself and truly see why you feel the need to portray a certain image in front of others rather than just being wrapped up in God for real. Again, we ALL have troublesome areas but only you can make the decision in whether or not you want to be in love with God. How can you even get to that point? Look back on the things that have taken place in your life over time. Every time you woke up, that was Him giving you another chance, every time you went through a traumatic experience, He was there just waiting for you to turn to Him to receive your healing. Every time you came close to death or falling off the deep end in your mess, there was always someone popping up at the right time. Even though they didn't say much about Jesus, they gave you a ride when neither of you knew that you would've been robbed while walking home. Someone gave you money out of nowhere when you were on your last dollar and you didn't know how you would keep the lights on. All of this and much more was the evidence that God has always looked out for you. All of this and more will remind you of the goodness of God and your love for Him will surely grow!
I know I have to look but I'm afraid of what I'll see...

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
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