It's Time To Boss Up In Holiness!!!
Are you genuinely tired of the enemy or are you just tolerating the enemy?
We have all gotten to that point in life where we may feel stuck, whether it's been for a couple of days or an entire season. We've all been there in one way or another. It's as if we are the only ones in a "Stuck Bubble". As if we are the only ones going through and not moving forward. Some people just come out of the "Stuck Bubble" quicker than others simply because they've had enough of the enemy. Now you might be looking at the previous sentence like: "Huh? Everybody is tired of the enemy?!" This is true, there's just a difference in people and what I mean by that is, some people are tired of the enemy while others are tolerating the enemy. People can actually get to a place where they tolerate the enemy without even realizing it. They take in attacks left and right without even fighting or recognizing the enemy's patterns and or the patterns in themselves. Then there are the people who are so tired of the enemy's mess that they fight back with scripture, prayer, fasting, praise and worship and doing the work of the Lord no matter how tired they are. They push and go that extra mile for the glory of God.
It's Time To Boss Up In Holiness!!!
You don't have to be stuck and broke down, busted and disgusted, you don't have to be held up in a corner, put your spiritual gloves on and knock the enemy out with all you've got! You already have a winning chance because you know God and you're saved through Jesus Christ, so fight the enemy and knock em out! We all have times where we get tested on the daily basis and our hearts get exposed from time to time, so when you know that you're about your Father's business then you know you've already won. Little attacks don't even phase you, you call it out for what it is and plead the blood and you keep it moving. It's time to start claiming the victories around us because Jesus has the victory! Speak life over yourself even when you don't feel like it, push your way to church, say yes Lord even when you feeling down or upset, a shift begins to take place in your heart. You can do this through Jesus Christ! You have already won because the battle is in God's hands.
It's Time To Boss Up In Holiness!!!
Growing up spiritually can be a tough AND humbling experience, I say this because you have to learn how to accept the correctional moments in life and how to respect the order in spiritual authority. Sometimes people can be bull headed and not care or respect spiritual authority and it can be painfully obvious, so what do we do? Do you talk about that person or do you pray a genuine prayer for them, knowing that God will put them in the right direction if they're willing AND obedient? It's very humbling because you begin to realize that there are people around you who are dependent on your praise and push. It can be a lot to push your own way through and praise when you don't feel like it, but you have to keep in mind that your praise can encourage someone else. When you start praising God for who He is, especially through the storm, He will bless you with more than what you've asked for. You've got to push and praise God for others as well. You should be genuinely happy for people when they get their breakthrough and when they get their blessings. This is how you Boss Up in Holiness. Where is your heart for other people, do you complain and get jealous when people receive things before you do or do you praise God for moving in another person's life because YOU know what He brought YOU out of..
It's Time To Boss Up In Holiness!!!
You know how we can easily put all that we have into people or jobs or things we like to do? Well, we have to be all in for God, completely. I've gotten to a place in my life where God can just have all of me, no more of being on the fence or letting my flesh get in the way of getting my own victory. When you start to just say Yes to God, that's when you can become usable to God, sometimes there will be things that you don't want to do, but for the glory of God, you have to do them and in the end, God will be pleased with your heart. Your blessings will not only bless you but it will bless others as well. It's about being all in for God or to get out. Nobody can change my mind about God and His perfect timing and no longer will I allow myself to be impatient when waiting on Him, I don't want to get in God's way. He woke me up and that's MORE than enough to give Him all the praise that I've got for myself and for others.
It's Time To Boss Up In Holiness!!!
A Woman Who Is A B.O.S.S.
It's time to run to all things HOLY in this season, don't look back on what you used to be, look forward to who your going to be in the Kingdom of God. As always: Stay Blessed and Encouraged:)
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