I've Got A Testimony!

Hello everyone, it's been awhile..two weeks to be exact. I hope all is well and that you are all blessed and highly favored this week. During these past two weeks.. something huge took place in my life and God truly moved to the point where I have a bigger expectation for life and a deeper and fuller trust in Him. I've got a testimony and I have to share it with everyone because this was nothing but God's grace and mercy. I pray that this encourages everyone who reads this.

As many people know, my husband and I love animals, we've both had animals in our lives growing up, he's had dogs and cats and I've had dogs as well. As a young girl, I developed a liking to big dogs and when I say big dogs, I'm not talking about golden retrievers or labs, I'm talking about rottweilers, bull mastiffs, great danes, and of course pit bulls. I've been around big dogs for as long as I can remember and I knew that I wanted my own some day. My husband and I got our first dog, he's a small chihuahua and he's quite the character and of course I love the little guy, I just really love big dogs. Well, one day we finally got a big dog and I was the happiest person alive! It was a blue pit bull she was big for her age, only 9 months. When my husband and I got her, she was the skinniest and her ears were cut, she was definitely a beauty and was worth a lot. We named her Lady Cara, Lady for short, she instantly became the perfect family dog. She loved to play with toys and with our chihuahua and walks were her favorite. Funny thing was, she was VERY protective of me and our chihuahua, if another dog was walking around, she would puff out her chest and stand in front of me, alert until the other dog left. She was house trained and quiet and knew how to sit still for treats and she played gently. We were very happy with our new dog. We had no complaints..not knowing that the enemy would soon sneak in on something that brought me joy.

Wednesday, October 11th 2017

My husband had just gotten news that he was able to attend a church conference in Missouri early that morning. We went to Missouri together before and God truly moved, people were set free and got filled with the Holy Ghost. It was truly a blessing to be able to go because we didn't think we would be able to go this time. So then my husband wakes me up with the news and that morning, I didn't wake up in the best mood which was weird because I had been waking up in great moods. So my husband told me about Missouri but there was something else, he had to go and I had to stay home, and at first I wasn't a happy camper about that at all but I knew that this was all Holy Ghost lead and we believe in being obedient so I had to rebuke pride and pull myself together. We needed a few things for the house and since I was still trying to get up, my husband went off to the store so that when he came back, we could just relax. We didn't know the enemy was up to something... When he left, I was still in bed thinking about Missouri, I got up and went to the bathroom and when I was finished handling my business, I stood in the bathroom and I felt the Holy Ghost and I said out loud "Yes Lord! Yes Lord!" "I'll be obedient!" "Yes Lord!" Afterwards I was in a much better mood and I went and laid down in my bed, Lady, the pit, was at the foot of the bed...and that's when it started, she was in a crawling position heading towards me and she bit my arm and I was almost in full shock BUT GOD, she began biting and pulling my arm, I screamed ouch and tried to pull away from her but like I said earlier, she was big for her age. She was able to pull me off to the foot of the bed onto the floor, she switched to my left arm and kept biting me. My husband and I live in a duplex and the door that separates us from our neighbors wasn't too far away, so I screamed out my neighbors name but no response. I pulled my left arm from Lady and she came at me harder on my right arm, I was wearing a sweater and she kept pulling, her eyes were bloodshot red, her presence wasn't dog like. I called out my husband's name but he wasn't back home yet. In our bedroom, we have our bathroom and that is when I saw my way of escape. So I began pulling with all the strength I had while she started to lunge herself towards my face, trying to bite my face and neck. Even though I was scared I had to force myself not to cry too much so my vision wouldn't get blurred, I wear glasses but they had fallen off my face. I had finally reached the bathroom door while she's still biting me, I slide in the bathroom and slam the door in her face with my sweater caught in the middle, this made her angrier so she started pulling the sweater through the door opening, I began crying because I didn't know when my husband would be back. Once she got bored of the sweater she began banging at the door. I could hear her standing on her hind legs clawing at the top of the door, then she began to gnaw at the bottom of the door and I knew she could possibly chew her way through. I kept holding the door shut with the strength I had left, I felt myself getting weak so I looked around the bathroom, if she came in I'd either slam her head in the toilet or I could've gotten the shower head spraying her with hot water, then I would escape through the window. In my split second thinking, she began banging her head against the door, harder and harder and I got scared because it literally felt like a full grown man trying to barge in. I screamed my husband's name, I became frantic and started crying, then I screamed "JESUS! JESUS!" And all of a sudden, the banging stopped, I paused, trying to listen for the slightest sound of activity and so I braced myself and slowly opened the door, Lady was no where in sight, I came around the bed and she was in her cage, just sitting there looking at me, I quickly closed and locked her cage and grabbed my phone, ran into the bathroom, and called my husband, within 2 minutes, my husband was home, he took a different way home which got him back and through traffic so quickly. My husband was only gone at the store for ten minutes, the attack was 5 minutes long and it felt like 5 hours. Animal control came and took her away, I was taken to the hospital and was put on antibiotics. I had scars all over my right arm and both arms were swollen, but even then, my arms didn't hurt that much. When I was at the hospital, my doctor asked how did I get the dog to stop because they were aware of the size of the dog and I'm tiny. I looked the doctor straight in the eyes and told him exactly what I did, I called on Jesus and the dog put itself away! The doctor was shocked and finally said there was nothing wrong with calling on Jesus.

The Healing Process 

The same day, my husband and the rest of the church leaders still had to head out for Missouri, I wasn't afraid of being alone but God still kept me, with the help of the people of our church, I was never alone. The church leaders were gone for almost a week and I had a choice, either I could stay from church and wallow in self pity or I could still push my way to church. That's exactly what I did, every single day, I went to church and even though my husband was in Missouri, I still pushed just as hard for God because I knew that they were pushing hard in Missouri. The enemy tried to throw small attacks afterwards concerning the appearance of my arms BUT GOD. My Jesus saved me from a pit bull to the point where it put itself in its own cage. Just by calling on the name Jesus! Even during the attack, I knew I was covered because pit bulls are known for their powerful jaws, when they bite, their jaws lock down so that you can't get away and not once did she lock down on me. People have had permanent damage from dog attacks, some people have even died. If you see me today, I look like nothing happened and I praise God for that! I praise God that He gave up His only Son so that we have someone to call on! I called on Jesus and it all stopped. PRAISE GOD! When my husband and the other church leaders got back they told us how a woman in Missouri had a testimony about being attacked by a dog too! I could've lost an arm, I couldv'e died BUT GOD!

Call on Jesus Christ!

I encourage you all to ALWAYS call on Jesus! Plead the blood over yourself and others and situations! Have that faith! Calling on Jesus works and I know, I am a LIVING testimony. People need to hear the things you went through so that they know they can get free and covered as well. Everyone has a testimony, it's not always about getting a new house or car, sometimes it's just being alive! Your testimony can change someone's look on life...just call on Jesus Christ yall it works it works! I appreciate and love all of you so much! As Always:

