God’s Grace Is Delicate, Are You Abusing It?

Are you or were you a Grace abuser....

Abuse is painful whether it be physically, emotionally, verbally, and or mentally. It can be a brutal experience that can leave deadly scars without proper treatment & healing. How many of us know that God is our daily Doctor? Not only does He wipe the pain away, He mends the wounds to the point where they aren’t noticeable. You leave the urgent care without a single scar and a free bill of health. You look NOTHING like you’ve been through. And your past is no longer attached to you, how is this so? God’s beautiful and merciful grace. It brings joy to know that when we mess up, repentance is available to us and conviction lays upon us to state the wrong we have done. The joy simply comes from knowing that everything is now under the grace of God and once you are forgiven, whatever you have done is forgotten. 

Stop Remembering What God Has Forgotten...
(See Psalms 103:12) 

Sadly, some of us, including myself, can testify to being abusive towards God. Sounds harsh? Well in a sense, it is....a lot of us in the Body of Christ are harsh towards God simply by being known as the infamous Grace Abusers. Participating in things not of God while knowing they are wrong and doing them anyway. This is also known to be turned into the practice of sin. 

When I was 16 years old, I gave my life to Christ, I accepted Him as my Lord & Savior and I Knew He was alive & well. And although that day was very moving and important for me, I stumbled and fell A LOT in my walk with Christ. Looking back, I really wasn’t in a place where I was as serious about my walk with Christ as I am now. I still practiced sin whether it be disrespecting my parents, acting out in anger or lust or being bitter just because, at the end of the day, I would just shake it off and say ehhh I’m saved no big deal. Literally, I thought that just because I gave my life to Christ and I knew He died for my sins that I would be free to do whatever I wanted. That is NOT how this walk goes AT ALL. I can say this and I’m not ashamed! I was a grace abuser and even though now I am more in God and I’m more aware of what I should & should not do, there were still times where I abused the grace of God. Just being real here, I know we aren’t perfect but we can’t fall into the mindset of saying we are just human to excuse our own wrong behavior ESPECIALLY when it isn’t pleasing to God.

Hospitalized, Traumatized, & Demonized

In the beginning stages of my walk as a born again creature, I was brutally abusing God and in the midst of it all, I was only causing scars & bruises to myself. I leaned on my own understanding of how God worked and slowly but surely, I ended up in the spiritual hospital, beaten up and used by the enemy. I was barely even here, unaware of the destruction that was over my life, I was like an infant, struggling for the tiniest ounce of milk, screaming and kicking with no understanding of what I had done! I neglected God and abused His grace and once I began to be in His presence, all i wanted to do was hide my face. In this time of being broken, God played back all the awful things I did and my excuse was I didn’t want to be alone even though, in every single playback of memory, He was alongside me my whole life and that’s why certain things that could’ve and should’ve happened, didn’t! He was alongside me my WHOLE life and that’s why certain things that could’ve and should’ve happened DIDN’T!!! Yes! I’m saying it twice because it just hits home! After all the self inflicting wounds I had created and after all the verbal abuse I had thrown at God, here He was, forgiving me and loving me the MOST when I felt like nobody else could. During my hospitalization of my spiritual needs, the enemy still tried to attack me by trauma and demonizing me. The enemy began to play tricks on my mind, showing me imaginary images that had never happened. Tormenting me with multiple ungodly things to do and the main attack was all in my mind. At the time, I had no idea that spirits could get into people and you can either go through deliverance or you can let them use and destroy you. Even though at the time, i had no idea what deliverance was, God still covered and protected me from losing my mind as a whole. The only way to get rid of being traumatized & demonized is repentance & deliverance. Although I was on the route to a speedy recovery by the grace of God, the enemy thought his strings were still attached...but one day... 

I was tired of being sick & tired...

That is all for now everyone, I pray that this was encouraging to open up about your own ways and faults. I pray that this makes you think about how you abuse the Grace of God and how or what you can do or did to stop it! Stay tuned for part 2

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged 
