Shameless Faith

First off, I'd like to say one thing, it feels great to be back. As most of you may know, if you've been here before, I haven't been back on the blog in a very long time. Well the reason for that is because my husband and I have recently welcomed our very first child into the world. I will definitely dive into my journey of motherhood very soon but for now, let's dive into today's topic:

"Shameless Faith"

Shameless Faith is all about standing up for who delivered, saved and set you free and that "who" is Jesus Christ! The Son of the TRUE and LIVING God! Now then, standing up for your belief in Christ is easier said than done. What do I mean by this? Well there are people who will see your faith as crazy and or unrealistic and there will be people who have the same shameless faith as you do. When it comes down to the people who think that you are living by unrealistic standards, each time they speak against your faith is your time to stand up to them and show them just how shameless your faith is. Sometimes people will look at where you are and they will give you the easy way out and or forms of what success looks like to them. I've experienced this many times. You can say God will provide and they will be the ones to say "He'll provide but..." Every time you say "but" you cancel out whatever was previously said. This shows that their faith may not be completely up to your shameless standards which is okay because everyone has to experience how big God truly is on their own. The thing is though, we have to be extremely careful of what we entertain when it comes down to the people we encounter and their views on our own faith. Some people can't grasp the fact that literally everything you have is because of God and God alone. It's as if they find it hard to believe that every blessing, whether it's big or small came from God and not by our own will power. When people like this begin to come around you, you need to know how to handle them and most importantly, you need to know how to handle your shameless faith.

Now, I'm not sitting here saying that you have to be rude or nasty to people when they don't believe in what you do or they have a half based faith stand point. You just have to make the stance on how you operate. Don't be afraid to tell them how your refrigerator was empty for a week and how God laid it on someone's heart to bless you with groceries and the crazy part is, you never told anyone you needed food or asked for help. Don't be afraid to tell them how your car was on E and God got you to a gas station and even though there was no money in your pocket, out of no where, someone decided to pay for your gas. See, things like these scenarios happen on the daily basis but because some of us don't like to make people uncomfortable about our faith, we keep it to ourselves. Having shameless faith can come naturally to others but to some, it may take time. I was one of the people where it had to take time and here's why.

You see, I was one of those people who hated confrontational conversations and situations. I used to hold back what would really be on my mind when people thought of me believing in God and how He provided every want and need was crazy. But how many of us know that silence is agreement. So from here on out, I will be standing up for my shameless faith and even if people still can't grasp the truth that God has been providing all the way through, it'll still make me feel as though I wasn't doing God a disservice. I say this because when we have testimonies, no matter how big or small, we have to share how God took us from point A to point B because He really didn't have to do it but He did. You never know, the more you keep your stance and continue to share how God made a way out of no way and how He brought you out of situations and graced you when you messed up, then maybe, just maybe, the right person will hear and become interested in the Lord.

I encourage you all (myself included) to never back down and stay silent about your shameless faith in Christ. Take a firm stance in how you operate day to day and how your household and ministry runs. Don't shift just because your huge, shameless faith is seen as unrealistic or crazy to the next person. Don't shy away from telling people how God is the provider. Share with others on how the Holy Spirit lead you to that job or to publishing that book or launching and starting that business. Live out your faith! Shamelessly!

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
