Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

This is for the ones who are ready for change....

So you're on your phone, just scrolling for what may seem like hours and then you come across her. The one that your mind believes is just the most perfect little thing in the world. Her perfect hair, smile, career, kids, and or love life. You begin to go from studying her picture to scrolling up and down her page, wondering how can one be so flawless. You begin to study her features and instead of admiring her, you begin to compare her life to yours. You begin to put yourself down in the midst of wanting whatever it is that she has. Well for one, no one is flawless or perfect no matter how well they display themselves to be. For two, you never know how badly this "oh so perfect girl" has it. She may be dealing with a horrible life situation and or has an extremely dark past that may haunt her sometimes. She may be wasting her time with someone who truly doesn't value her but in the pictures they look perfect. She may feel as though she'll never move forward with kids connected to her hip and yet you compare yourself because she portrays to be so perfect. Where am I going with all of this? If you were to put all of the times you have ever compared yourself to someone else into money, I promise you that you would most likely be a billionaire, I'm guilty of this as well sis. It's a joy snatcher that needs to exit your life immediately. Now, if you can honestly say that you have never compared yourself to anyone else then that's totally fine but this is for the ones who knows that sometimes comparison can sneak in at the worst of times. This is for the ones who need to know that we have all been there before. I've learned that the sooner you identify the problem within, the sooner and closer you get to overcoming it. So for my ladies who have been struggling with comparison, this one's for you.

As a man think in his heart, so is he (See Proverbs 23:7) 

Your mind is more powerful than you think and as we all know the Bible talks about how whatever we think is what we will become. You may have so many blessings connected to you that you may take for granted every single time you compare your journey to the next person. When you begin to concentrate on everything that you don't have you begin to lose your joy in who you are and what makes you so unique. Comparison gets you no where, it just gives you the illusion that you'll never be as perfect as the person you're comparing yourself to. REVERSE YOUR THINKING LADIES! You can admire someone WITHOUT putting yourself down. We all never know what truly goes on behind closed doors so honestly, there's no point in wishing that you looked like the girl on the screen or wishing that your kids acted the same way as others did. What if you were more blessed than what the picture of perfection that is being portrayed? These are things to keep in mind before you fall into the trap of comparison. Now be mindful that you also want to stay away from thinking that you are better than others. The world wants you to be arrogant and full of yourself and credit yourself for all of your accomplishments but as believers in Christ, we know that we are called to be humble in all areas of our lives. We know that the only reason why we have anything in our lives is because of God, which is why we must stand firmly in giving Him all of the glory! The next time you begin to see another woman who you admire, whether it be the way she carries herself, her work ethic, or even her looks, appreciate it and don't excuse yourself. You don't have to compare yourself to people you don't know and you seriously don't have to compare yourself to people that you do know. You don't know their story and you don't know how much it takes to walk their walk with Christ. Half of the time, you don't want to know either! Reverse your thinking, appreciate and admire another woman's accomplishments instead of comparing yourself and throwing yourself under the bus.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (See Psalms 139:14)

The root to comparison is those awful insecurities that we have within ourselves. There is something within us that isn't full pleased about who we are. Whether it is our looks, the way our lives used to be and or even where we are in our lives now. Whatever it may be that you are struggling to come to terms with, don't forget that you are a woman of God, as Psalms 139:14 states, YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made! Don't you know that God knew EXACTLY who YOU were going to be when He called YOU from your mother's womb? Of course we messed up in the past and even now because we have free will, it doesn't override the truth that God has a MIGHTY purpose for you. You need to know that you are NOT the numbers on the scale! You are NOT the length of your hair! Your womanhood is not measured by how many children you can have! Your identity is not overshadowed by your spouse and or your accomplishments. You ARE everything that God has called you to be when you accept Christ as your Lord & Savior. Even when you mess up as a believer, you are given so many chances to repent and turn a new leaf. Those insecurities that you have about yourself will not take over as long as you stand on the Word of God and all of His promises for you. The next time you find yourself comparing your life to someone else, remember that God only creates originals. There's nobody else like you! That in itself is empowering. Whatever it is that you are struggling with when it comes down to comparison, take it to the Father and allow Him to work on you. The only person that can stop you from improving is YOU!

It's time to gain your joy back!

All in all, stay humble in everything that you do and refrain from comparing yourself to people that you don't know and people that you do know. When the enemy tries to convince you in your mind that you aren't doing enough, combat him with the Word of God. It's time to take back your joy and peace. Comparison has no hold over you when you are constantly speaking the Word of God over yourself and over your life. Improvement is in reach, you just have to be willing to grab it!

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
