For The Creatives: Purpose Driven

The Creative One

This is someone who constantly has about 20 million things running through their minds in a good way, so to speak. This is someone who can pick up on certain and or almost random skills after one or two....(let's get real) or even 100 good tries. This is someone who can find the best outcome of a boring event and turn it into a work of art. This is someone who knows that thinking outside of the box is over raided because they know that once they come into Christ, there is no box at all. The creative one, one who can pretty much work their hardest and turn up with little to almost nothing and then, letting God take over, they end up having a masterpiece. The secret? Read the previous sentence again. Your best work bares good fruit when God is in it.
This one's for the creatives.

It's one thing to be someone who racks their brain to come up with multiple streams of income just because they are money hungry but it's a special kind of different when you allow God to take charge with your creative space. Trying to understand? Well you see, we all can have ideas, it doesn't take rocket science to come up with things to tie up loose ends or to put food on the table BUT (yes, we are cancelling that entire sentence out) it's a whole different kind of level when you allow God to do what He wants to do through you. This is where a lot of us creatives may have to battle with. Now you might be reading this and thinking how in the world could you battle with God's will, well dear brothers and sisters, our flesh can be a foul and prideful thing. As I have mentioned before, creatives always have 20 million things (loosely speaking) running through their heads with what they should do next. From business ideas to books titles, to certain faith based attire and even with spoken word pieces and art, the creatives are constantly downloading new ways to create something. During the process of whatever it may be that your craft is, you have to step back and ask yourselves what is the purpose of it all? Now I'm not going to sit hear and have you say a "worthy cause" statement just to get the question out of the way. I actually want you to see what the purpose of what you're doing is. In other are you bringing people to the Kingdom of God? Does your craft send a solid message that Jesus Christ is Lord?

Create (verb)- to bring (something) into existence 

As a creative, you will have moments where you are super inspired and you will also have moments where you don't even feel like looking at your craft. What happens during those moments of inspiration. Is your inspiration being birthed from the hard works of others or are you allowing God to guide you on what to create next? When you are serious about your walk with Christ you begin to realize that everything that you do has to have a meaning. A purpose. A reason as in to why you are doing whatever it is that you are truly passionate about. When you begin to have so many ideas and visions, you must be able to see the purpose of it all before you just jump into a project and as we all know, the goal is to lead people to Christ. The ideas, dreams, and visions can often times flood in all at once and we can often get overly excited and just start at whatever it is that we see first. Sometimes if you aren't careful you may see yourself starting on one thing and then (since a new idea popped in your head) you leave that thing prematurely and start working on the new thing. Now you have a vision that was done half way and then the cycle of incompleteness begins. I say all of this to say that we as creatives in Christ must be purpose driven and Holy Ghost lead.

Before starting a new project in whatever it is that your craft may be, seek guidance from God through the Holy Ghost to see the purpose of it all. Sometimes it's obvious to see the purpose. It can be painfully obvious when people just throw things together in order to present themselves in a way that is better than others. Of course, not everyone is like this. Shout out to the true creatives who know what they are passionate about and are humble enough to allow God to use them for His glory and not their own. If your goal is to do things in order to make a quick buck or to prove people wrong and or stunt on someone else then you have to take a hard look in the mirror and see if your priorities are pleasing to God's will and way for your life. All in all, when you seek God through the Holy Ghost in everything that you do, INCLUDING creating, the fruit will show. Be sure to know the difference between what He is actually calling you to do and what just may be a "good" idea. It's 2019, we can no longer waste our time, some people may only receive you through what you do. Lead by example and know the purpose! Happy Creating!

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
