Your Comfort Zone Will Stunt Your Growth!
Spoiled in our comfort zones...
When you look up the word "stunt" in the dictionary, it says "to PREVENT from GROWING or DEVELOPING properly. When we decide to stay in our comfort zone this is EXACTLY what happens to our growth. It's non existent at this point and if something does grow, it's not done so properly. Steps are skipped, important lessons are missed and a new mindset cannot come forth in a way that is pleasing to the Father. Many of us are spoiled in our comfort zones which is why we are so hesitant to leaving them and don't worry dear brothers and sisters, I'm also talking to me as well as I write this. We are spoiled in our comfort zones because we KNOW what's to come and what the result will be. We are spoiled in our comfort zones because there is no change and we don't have to put forth any effort. We aren't forced to look at ourselves in our comfort zones. We aren't forced to deal with the very things that are holding us back in our comfort zones. WE ARE SPOILED! Of course if you are reading this and you feel as though this does not apply to you then think again because there's room for growth and improvement no matter who you are. It's time to grow!
Why am I so hesitant to leave my comfort zone?
It can be discouraging and sometimes scary when someone tells us that we have to leave our comfort zone. It's discouraging to the part of you that is hesitant to growing fully. The root of the hesitancy is FEAR! You may be afraid of what people may think of you if you write that book. You may be afraid of what people may say about your product that you're selling. You may be afraid to look at yourself in the mirror. You may be afraid of what people may say if you go out and start on your business. Fear kills so many things that God wants for us. Drop the fear and walk in faith. If we call ourselves believers and followers of Christ then we already know that we can't stay in the same place forever. Walking out on faith means trusting God regardless of what's in front of you. Fear will have you thinking that you aren't good enough to walk into the very thing that God has called you to. So being in your comfort zone seriously traps you and keeps you at one point while everyone else is advancing. You are hesitant because fear is speaking to your mind louder than the voice and Word of God!! It's time to get delivered from fear and to stay delivered from it!
Okay, okay, I want to change but what if I don't like what I see in the mirror?
When you finally make the decision to pursue and acquire change, you not only have to look in the mirror but you also have to be real about what you see. When we take a long look at ourselves in the mirror, there will be things that we admire and there will certainly be things that need improvement or things that just need to die off in general. Please keep in mind that as I say this, I don't mean the physical things that we see but I mean the stuff that we really don't want to see. Maybe there's healing that needs to take place from the past or maybe there's an attitude check that needs correction. Regardless of whatever it may be that you see, it's necessary that you see and identify the problem with yourself first. Afterwards, seek God in how you should improve and grow. As we all know, it is not a comfortable process. When you are serious about pursuing and acquiring growth, you know that the uncomfortable thing is necessary. This is when you begin to emerge from your comfort zone. Welcome to the unknown.
I don't know what's next to come! How can I do this?
When you begin to operate outside of your comfort zone, you aren't aware of what the outcome will be. This is where we need to start trusting God even more than we did before. Your faith will be tested but when you truly trust God through your words, actions, and thoughts, you begin to see why you had to be uncomfortable. That growth period is not only a blessing to you but it's also a blessing to others because the very things that are within you can help the next person. Not knowing what's going to happen next is a huge part of having faith. Regardless of your situation, you still trust God to wake you up for the next day. You still trust Him with the dreams, visions, and ideas that He has blessed you with. You can do this because God already has all of your worries taken care of. All of your questions and concerns are already answered through His word and promises. You can do this because you know that growth is necessary and there is too much within you. You have so much within you that needs to be shared in order to inspire, encourage, and help out the next person. You can do this! Start today!
Are the people around me supporting my growth or stopping it?
The sad truth is, not everyone will be happy and or supportive of you when you make the decision to grow for the better. With this being said, the people that are around you will begin to change. Sometimes when you make the decision to change for the better, it reveals different kinds of "friends" that are around you and it may surprise you. You might see that someone is unhappy with you growing because they don't like the idea of you possibly being better than them. Even though that isn't your intention but they can't see that. Then you may see that someone is always throwing the old you in your face every time your new level is here. Then you will begin to see the ones who will try to get you back to the old you. They'll try to tempt you back into the person that you used to be. These people are almost too good at clothing themselves in sheep's clothing so your discernment has to be on point. The only way that it will be on point is if your relationship with God is being worked on daily. When your growth and new level begins to expose these types of "friends", you'll have to do the hard thing and grab your scissors and cut them off. Now yes, we know that people can change, just use yourself as an example, you have CLEARLY changed! (you KNOW your story) But during this time, it's best to love them from afar and even when they do change, you don't have to reconnect with them. Now another truth is that there are also genuine people around you that you have to make sure that you don't neglect. Sometimes, just as people being people, we become consumed with the idea of us having haters and enemies that we overlook the genuine people that God placed in our lives. Be grateful for the supportive people in your lives. Your growth will reveal to you who is actually rooting for you. The ones who check in on you during the rough and good times. The ones who won't let you stay in your flesh moments. The ones who back up their words with scripture and the ones who actually go along with whatever the Holy Ghost gives them to say to you. Just remember that everyone is NOT a hater.
Your growth is up to YOU!
All in all, your comfort zone does not allow you to grow properly and once you make the decision to grow, it's not always going to be sunshine and rainbows but in the bigger picture, it's all worth it. Strive to be pleasing to the Father and remove yourself from the comfort zone. The level up is here, it's time to grow into a better you! Don't wait, start now!
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
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