He Knows You Before You Know Yourself!
In our weakest moments, He is made strong..
I had a weak moment recently, I allowed the enemy to beat me up really. I found myself not fighting and or warring as hard as I used to, leaving myself open for attacks. The enemy LOVES to throw mind stuff at you because it's one of his ways of throwing you off course but in our weakest moments, God is made strong! I just thank Him for His grace and mercy because I know that He is the only reason that I have made it this far. I tried to excuse my weak moment by masking it as a creative funk. If you are a creative then you know what I'm talking about. Flowing with ideas and new projects and then suddenly everything stops and you feel as though you cannot create anything. Well that is exactly what I tried to mask my weak moment as but really I wasn't guarding myself due to the feeling of trying to give up. You may be reading this and thinking that this is no weak moment but everyone's weak moment looks different. Some people are hit with mind attacks and don't fight back, others may leave the very ones who pray for them and go out sinning on purpose, others may even return to exactly who they used to be. Whatever your weak moment is and or was, know that we all have them but not all of us have the push to get back up and try again. So with this being said, aren't you glad that He never left you even though you deserved to be left? I know that without His grace and mercy, I would be extremely messed up, but God. Now then, with masking my weak moment as a creative funk, of course that wouldn't add up and here's why. For those of you who have been on the blog for a long time, you know that I only write when it is being lead by Him and not by what I just think will be a good topic. I know exactly why it had to be set up like this so trying to mask my weak moment as a creative funk wasn't fooling anyone especially the Lord, He sees right through us, we are completely uncovered through His eyes because He knows everything. So just yesterday, I began to gain my fight back and the hunger and thirst of wanting more of God returned stronger than ever. I had to be reminded of who I was to Him which leads me into this..
He knew you first girl!
This morning as I write this to you all, I was reminded of who I used to be and who I am now and who the Father always knew I was even before I knew Him. I came across some old stories and poems that I had written when I was younger and honestly, I didn't know what to expect. I honestly thought that I would be critiquing myself very harshly but the more I read through, the more I began to see that God knew me before I knew myself. I know that it doesn't sound deep but it's not meant to be, He literally knew us before we even made the decision to even glance in His direction. While reading my old stories and poems, I came across the word "bloom" and "blooming" more times than I can count. Now you all know how I am about that word but if you aren't aware then I'll make it quick. In 2017 (I think) my sister in Christ saw a nickname for me and ever since then it seemed like God would show me things centered around that very nickname. Then came the revelations, the writing, and me embracing my journey. All of that is still happening now to this day, getting prophetic words and revelations pertaining to "blooming" and all. I say that God knows you before you know yourself because back then when I was in school writing these stories, I didn't know God for myself and honestly, I didn't really have an interest in knowing Him. All I knew back then was that you go to church on Sunday morning, the food is great afterwards and you go on with the rest of your week. Now, it is extremely interesting to me that I was writing about the very thing that is so important to me now back then when I didn't even know who God had in store for me to be. Which has just turned my faith way up because even through my mess, He still had His plan for me. Even through it all, He was dropping soon to be known hints of who I was called to be. Can you look over your life at certain things and compare them to now and actually see how certain things are connected? Amazing isn't it? He knew us before we even knew ourselves.
He still speaks to us during tough times..
Now then, that was just a recent reminder of why I need to stay on track but I also received another reminder on the 4th of July as well. I was out at Wal-mart and right before I had gone into check out this woman comes up with two bouquets of flowers and she asks "yellow or white". Now at first, I thought she was just asking for a second opinion on which one she should buy (me not knowing she already bought them) so I said white and she pulled 3 white little flowers out and gave them to me. Then she told me to have a beautiful day. This was a huge reminder that God still gives me my hearts desires because earlier I just kept saying it was a beautiful day out and I wanted to do something. I mean it might seem small to someone else but that is actually huge to me because in the midst of my weak moment, He still showered me with love by giving me my hearts desire. During your tough seasons and even your moments of weakness, you have to hold onto God no matter what. He sends you reminders daily of why you should keep pushing, keep praying and keep trusting Him. Now there is a time in others where they might be so far gone that they can't hear Him or see His signs clearly. Before you get to this point, no matter how tough it gets, God will not leave you. I wanted to give up, I wanted to use motherhood as an excuse to throw in the towel but God. I wanted to feel some type of way because it's always during these moments where I don't hear from anyone literally anyone but then my husband pointed out something I hadn't thought about. He told me to think about why is it that when I go through a certain thing that I don't hear from anyone. I thought about it because when others are in need, I'm there as best as I can. I was then reminded of who I am and what my particular position is to Him. Sometimes we want people to be listening ears but that can turn into us leaning on man instead of God. Just yesterday I was in the Word reading about endurance and honestly it stepped on my toes big time. If you are in a rough patch and or trying to break free from a tough season, how are you going about doing that? Are the complaints louder than the trust in God?
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God ALONE. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are UNSTABLE in everything they do." (JAMES 1:2-8 NLT)
Even during your weakest moments and during your times of being a mess, He knew you and He will never leave nor forsaken you. You just have to be willing to listen and be watchful. I hope that this encourages you to break free from whatever it is that is causing you to go backwards and I dare you to look back over your life or even just to last week to see how He knew who you were before you knew yourself. You can gain freedom through Him, run back to Him and watch how things begin to reveal themselves right before your very eyes. He has given us the tools and connections to gain freedom, the question is, how bad do you want to be free?
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
Amazing woman of GOD thank you this was what I needed as I continue my faith walk Love you and stay blessed.
ReplyDeleteGlory to God! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it and that it helped! I love you too, let's continue to trust God through and through!