Out with the old, in with the new!

Change is good, especially when it is being done on the inside. When you make the decision to change for the better from the inside, then and only then will you be able to show brilliantly on the outside. Recently things have just been different for me. I've had peace in the midst of certain situations that I should've went crazy over. I've learned to call on Jesus more and to reach out more for prayer when I need to. These may sound like small fundamental steps in the Body of Christ but most of the time, people either don't want to get off their high horse to do these things and or they believe they are strong enough to carry the load on their own. Being transparent, I thought I could carry the load all on my own and mentally, that did me no good. I kept pushing and pushing myself way passed my limit. I wasn't being vocal about when I needed prayer when clearly I had great people around me who would immediately call and pray with me or even pray for me without me knowing about it.Take last night for example, an attack began to rise and I literally put myself to the side to ask prayer and they were on it. Reaching out to those who I know will pray and labor with me has helped bring in my newness. I used to just think I had to carry everything and fix everything on my own. Sound familiar? Letting go of the desire to control is a BEAST! Once you relinquish that control onto God, the weight that you weren't even supposed to carry will be lifted. Now, don't get me wrong, as believers of Christ we all have our own weight to carry, just learn when it's time to unload the unnecessary matter of fact, refrain from even picking it up. Now then, changing my mindset has literally been a very hard thing to do but I have noticed the effect that it has had on me and honestly, I'm enjoying it. I'm learning to not just talk about complaining less but actually putting the actions needed to support that. Certain things that I have been speaking over myself lately has truly bared fruit that I am grateful to see. With my consistency in doing these things (and of course more) the way I am changing is truly a testimony.
Your character and consistency will take you far!
With knowing and embracing your true identity in Him, you'll then begin to want to show consistency in staying on the right track according to His will and His way for your life. Now keep in mind that with consistency, comes the discipline and will to want to be ALL that God has called YOU to be. When you are taking the steps to change from the inside (specifically your mindset) it isn't just an overnight transformation. You literally have to work on certain areas of your mindset until you have yourself in a consistent attitude of change. What I mean by staying consistent is this, take me for example, I've been embracing the changing of my mindset by being consistent in the steps I take. You can't just start to speak life over yourself one day and then the next day, due to something not going your way, you throw out all the hard work out the window. Being consistent in keeping my peace has shown to benefit not only myself but the way I am with how I deal with my son, husband, and others. I've noticed a significant change in how I handle the tough days of parenthood & marriage and I am now quick to speak life and claim peace instead of giving up easily. Now of course, with parenthood and marriage, I won't always react this way but as long as I am making the effort to be ahead of the attacks then I can surely create and discover new ways of reacting and handling the tough days. All in all, if you are truly ready to be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you have to be willing to put in the work.
You are a new creation, walk like it, talk like it, be like it!

When you become a new creation in Christ, you cannot act like and or take part in the things that you used to do if they go against the will and word of God. When you are made new, know that this just doesn't happen one time, the same way that the seasons change is the same way that people change. Now some change for the worst because they rather stay where it's comfortable and or secure when in reality, if it's comfortable, you're never truly growing. The only thing that you're secured in is well..being stuck. Now there are others who decide to change for the better. With this, bravery plays a huge part because when you are working on changing yourself, God will begin to reveal to you who you need to step back from, connect to, and what all is within you that is holding you back. In all of these cases, things can get tough. Those who are not willing to embrace and or see how God is transforming you will usually say you're fake or acting and or moving funny. If they were truly tuned in and looking through things in the spirit then they could easily see that you are transforming. Besides, you should have people around you who push you to change and shift for the better because they know it's best for you. Now let's be real here, don't expect all of this if you are a petty and or bitter person. Don't excuse any of your toxic behavior as just being who you are. The KEY thing here is actually changing and allowing God to have His will and His way. Now if you're out here harboring bitterness and resentment against people, family members and you're pretending to move different just for the sake of looking a certain way then girl let me tell you, that is NOT the way. Then people would actually be right in calling you fake and God never lets anything sneak up on His people so 9 times out of 10, you have already been revealed to at least more than one person. Now, if you are this type of person and you are truly trying your best to change, then just let people talk. Some people will confuse your growth as just you wanting and or thinking that you are better than them. Their mindsets can't contain the new version of you so it's easier for them to view you as who you used to be. That's alright. This is what I always go by, be so unbothered that you never know when people have a problem with you. Stop keeping tabs (if that's you) stop entertaining certain conversations and just be better than who you were yesterday. People may say that they don't care about what you're doing but honestly, a person who doesn't care about you won't waste their time discussing your name. If they do then obviously, it's something that is bothering them. Continue on your journey to change no matter what.
Don't apologize for who you are in Him!
The woman that you are transforming into may shock some and bring others joy. I want to encourage you to not dim yourself down for the sake of those who refuse to view you in your new light. You are fighting hard to stay transformed and you have been taking the steps to maintain your newness, so embrace it. Now be sure to refrain from getting big headed, just keep asking God to keep your mind and morals in order. Some people may walk away from you and only tell people about your mistakes and slip ups but that's okay. The woman that you are fighting to become knows that everyone, even believers fall and stumble. She knows that if God can change you, He can change them as well but only if they are willing to put in the work. If someone asks you how were you able to transform, don't sugarcoat anything that you've been through, real recognizes real and misery enjoys company, the right people who actually want change will accept the rawness of your process. Those who just want to know what you've been up to will tell on themselves through their actions. Not everyone will be accepting of the new you. Refrain from wearing a mask just to fit in. The right people will gravitate to the authentic you. No terms or conditions. All in all, embrace who you are in Him, cherish, cover, and maintain your newness. If you are still in the process of changing, I encourage you to seek God through the Holy Ghost in everything that you do. Allow Him to show you who you should listen to, connect with, and have pray for you. Sometimes it will be the ones you least expect. Here's to change for the better! You can do this!
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged
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