Pioneer or Prisoner???
Don't get mad at the mirror, just fix the reflection...
As young women, we often have things in our lives that we struggle with or either can't come to terms with. How we look or talk, what we have done in the past or what we are doing now. Sometimes we can be over thinkers and that can lead us to being trapped inside our own mindsets. We will start to feel as though people owe us any and everything or that the whole world is against us. We get mad at the people who actually care enough to tell us the truth and then we turn around and love the people who lie to us on the daily basis. I know everyone is not like that... there are some people out there that are and I used to be one of them.
I thank God for the correctional moments I have experienced so far in my life. They made me look in the mirror, truly seeing what was the problem. Now, I am not saying that every thing we do is our fault or that we are the issue because sometimes you can have people around you who want to see you fail. They do things out of spite to make you look or feel bad. When I looked in the mirror, I had to fix the reflection, I had to strive to become the woman that God intended me to be and not the woman I thought I should be. God has a plan for me.
Sometimes we tend to hang onto our past experiences, especially the ones that hurt us the most. Breathe and let it go. I know it is easier said than done, it's worth it though. When we hang onto our past experiences that hurts us the most, things are stored up in our hearts. Hatred, Unforgiveness, Jealousy, etc. These and many other things should not have a single seat at the table in your heart. Not only does this block your blessings but you become your own worst enemy. Pray and Repent.
Don't hold onto the bitter past when you can let it go and outgrow it. When you hang onto the past you become the prisoner of it. Always playing back painful memories, staying upset about the experiences and holding onto grudges, leave your pain and worries on God. Don't carry that weight around when all He wants you to do is receive the blessings He has for you and spread the news on how good He is. Praise and worship Him for who He is.
The past might have not been pretty, people can't always say they know how you feel all the time. Do not carry this weight around like a prisoner with heavy chains, grow past it and set examples like a pioneer. God already brought you out of the past, be thankful, run to Him, let your heart be filled with all things good. You do not have to stay locked up in your mental cell...Ask yourself...
Are YOU the Pioneer of YOUR future or the Prisoner of YOUR past??
As always, stay blessed and encouraged:)
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