W.I.F.E. pt 2
Will I ever get married? Will I meet the one?
The world has taken the idea of what a wife should look like, act like, and talk like into it's own standards. We are about to break that worldly stereo type right now. Be a Woman In Full Effect. As women, you do not have to chase men down to keep/claim one. A true man of God will find you because he is being obedient to God and not his own fleshly desires.
Sometimes it can be overwhelming being a woman in today's world. One moment we are too big or too small, too short or too tall, too light, too dark, too pale, or our hair is too long or too short, hips not wide enough or are too wide. Well I just want to let you all know that you are beautiful, God created you, embrace how you look inside and out, the right man will come by. I have come to realize that when you keep your focus on God and being obedient to His word, the right one just comes out of nowhere. Some men do try to play "church" just to gain a woman's trust, so be weary, make sure your discernment skills are on point now.
Have more than enough trust in God that you will get married to right one. One thing you do not want to do is get so caught up in feeling lonely that you just start to entertain any and everyone. Not everyone has your best interests at heart, do not cast your pearls to the swine. Why give a temporary man wifely rewards if he's going to leave you or the cycle continues? It's like a scratched record playing over and over again. Once the record is playing, the song is playing so smoothly, but the first time it hits that scratched part, it just bumps over and over again, never being able to enjoy the full song uninterrupted. It is not peaceful or healthy. I know that NONE of us are perfect and sometimes there is hope and different situations.
Regardless, God does not want us to live in bondage. It all comes down to choices, yes we have free will, and once you get closer to God and hungry for Christ, then you will see that we want what He wants for us. His will and not ours. You will start wanting to live for His approval and not the world's. If we aren't hungry for Christ then we are probably too full of ourselves. He wants us to be set apart from the world already. Be a woman in full effect. Live for God's approval. You do not have to look down on yourself if something or someone that you wanted didn't work out.
God will send you what you NEED and you'll see that it is so much better than what you wanted. To all the women out there who want a man, patience, you keep living for God and pushing through the storm, God will take care of the rest. Patience is a huge key essential when wanting a man because sometimes we get impatient and go before God and just do what we wanna do and then sit in a corner crying about why we going through or why Tommy didn't like our cooking. Don't get in God's way just because you getting impatient and tired of waiting.
Being a Woman In Full Effect while you are single is wonderful because while God is building you up to lean on Him, He's putting the finishing touches on a man of God just for you. Make a choice though, don't be out here doing what you want then getting mad at God when Tommy ain't acting right. God was making Timmy for you but you made the choice to do what you want. Sis... come on now.. when you pointing the finger, you've got 3 pointing right back at ya. Patience women of God, patience. Be the Woman In Full Effect. Don't settle for Tommy thinking it can work out. Girl, you cannot raise a full grown man. God has Timmy for you, patience ladies. Let God build and mold you into a wife. This goes for my single mothers out there too, God will send you your husband, don't cast yourself off to the side. I'll dive deeper into that topic for another post. You are all beautiful, you don't have to settle, God's got someone for you....YOU just have a choice to make.
Alright my Women In Full Effect, stay blessed & encouraged!
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