A Praying Wife Is A Powerful Wife
Let's get right into the meat & potatoes y'all!! Often times in a marriage, the enemy tries to find ways to creep in and cause destruction, but I just thank God for sending warnings and or corrections when they are needed. There's more to being a wife than just looking nice and house cleaning. As a wife, I have come to learn that not only do you represent your husband and kids (if you have them), you are also representing everything you believe in and most importantly, you're representing God's love. I say this because once you get married, you become one with your spouse and you take on everything that they take on spiritually and yes I do mean EVERYTHING! This is why it is encouraged throughout many men and women to know if their spouse is God ordained for them before getting married. Let it also be known that we have free will, so as you might see from time to time in this life, some marriages are ordained by God & some are tolerated by God. Overall, God honors marriage. Either way as wives, we play an important role in a marriage, we literally become our husband's strongest support system and their most counted on warfare partner. As I have stated before, the enemy tries to get it's filthy hands on pure marriages BUT GOD!
As wives, our prayer life is extremely important. Prayer with our husbands and prayer on our own one on one time with God. The time you put into your own personal prayer life can not only be refreshing to your marriage but it can also be refreshing to your own well being and mindset.
I know with myself personally, the enemy would try it's hardest to put false characteristics about my husband in my head. And the enemy also tried to make me feel a certain type of way towards my husband BUT GOD! My prayer life is extremely important and uplifting for my marriage. And I have come to the statement that has changed my entire mindset about my marriage and my position as a wife in general. "A praying wife is a powerful wife!" I say this because our husbands take on and go through a lot almost every single day. Our husbands may also do things that we sometimes don't like BUT as wives, instead of popping off at the mouth or slamming doors and throwing stuff around with an attitude, we can approach our husbands with a gentle tone and calm spirit. (Read ya bible) As wives we are to take the stress and heaviness off of our husbands day, we don't want to add stress. And I'm just being real here, I used to add stress instead of taking it away. Once I started praying more and getting myself together, that's when I started noticing a change in myself and my marriage. I just praise God for prayer, it honestly changed a lot in myself.
As a wife, no matter what kind of calling you have on your life or what kind of calling your husband has on his life, it's very important to pray and war for them when they are operating in ministry. Whether they are giving a sermon, praying for people, giving people prophecy, taking someone through deliverance, or out in the night evangelizing, it's extremely important for us to cover our husbands, our transportation, our children (if you have them) and our home (if we are not there and if we are there.) This is all important because first of all the enemy HATES it when people give their lives to Christ, then it drives the enemy crazy when we dig deep in the Word of God and start operating in the authority and calling that God has placed on our lives. It TRULY gets on the enemy nerves when a married couple operates in ministry, why...BECAUSE THE DEVIL HATES MARRIAGE! And now you have the audacity to operate in ministry? OH YEA, THE ENEMY'S FURIOUS BUT GOD! So why is it important to cover your husband and your home while your husband is operating in ministry? It's important because (speaking from experience) if the enemy can't stop you or your husband from pouring out to people and leading them to freedom, then right after a huge move of God, the enemy will try to send an attack to your home or on the drive home. When I first got married, I didn't realize this at all, I would get annoyed at the smallest things but it wasn't me, it was the enemy trying to cause destruction and division between my husband and I. Once I started to notice the patterns, I had put my armor on so quick. Now I'm constantly praying over my husband and our home while we operate in ministry. Yes, I say we because I operate as well when the Holy Ghost leads me. I never really pictured myself doing that (and you don't have to do it) but when God says move you move! So now just imagine how furious the enemy is, not only are these people young and married, but they also are both operating in ministry? You best better believe the attacks try to come flying through the window! BUT GOD!
Now then, when I said that you don't have to operate in ministry, it's true, wives are not pressured to do what their husbands do or operate or even be apart of the ministry life. As wives, we are not pressured by our husbands to do anything in ministry but also as women of God, we know that if God called us to do something and told us what our position was and what we should be doing, you better do it! Not only is your husband counting on your prayers, but other women get covered with your strength! People don't have to know that you pray for them or even praise for them, praying and praising for someone else's life is extremely important but you don't have to use it as golden star bait. Nobody is perfect and we shouldn't be seeking a pat on the back for praying, blessing and praising for people. Remember, you may think you have a locked up heart, but God has a key that you are unaware of, and He knows every desire and motive in your heart, whether they are good or bad. Use wisdom and do the things of God without looking for a pat on the back! As believers in general, we are suppose to do these things and many more! (See Mark 16:17-18) Whether you are a wife on the go or a stay at home wife, your prayer life has no end. You have to constantly plead the blood of Jesus Christ over yourself and your transportation, your husband and his transportation, your home, the workplace and even conversations you have with people. The enemy will try to come at you and your spouse especially when someone is at work or home or even out grocery shopping. From my experience, I had a season where the enemy attacked my mind so badly to the point where I was making my husband feel like he couldn't operate in ministry. The enemy got one toe in the door of my mind during that season and soon, the whole foot was in the door and because I wasn't praying and fasting, I wasn't ready nor equipped for anything the enemy was throwing at me. I wouldn't want that for anyone! It's not a easy time to get out of BUT GOD. Deliverance, self deliverance, repentance, confession and forgiveness was required for me to get back on track and stay on track. I'm telling y'all right now, feelings and emotions SERIOUSLY lead you astray. The enemy will slip toxic nothings in your ears that aren't even real and it'll have you growing a disliking or non trusting spirit towards your husband and others to cause division in the marriage and fellowship. CONSTANTLY STAY IN PRAYER WIVES AND SINGLE WOMEN OF GOD. I CANNOT SAY THIS ENOUGH!!!
When I was in that tough season, my husband couln't help me AT ALL. I had to go through because God knew I was stronger than how I was acting and honestly, it was a test of faith as well. I say this because, when God is about to correct you, you've gotta either receive it, take your whooping, and get it together so you can operate when you're with your husband or when you're at the store or work on your own or you can ignore it, fall into an even deeper hole beyond recovery and become lost and possibly lose everything you once had. I had to make a choice that season and I still make this choice daily, it's either God or the world! Whether your husband is being lead by the Holy Ghost or not, God is looking at what you do as a wife 24/7 365. Now when I say being lead by the Holy Ghost or not...I'm just gonna be real here, once you marry your man, he has authority over you, so whether he believes in God as strongly as you do or not and vice versa, you STILL have to SUBMIT to YOUR HUSBAND! This is why it is so IMPORTANT to make sure your spouse is God ordained to be with you! There are times as well when God might place you with a man who's faith isn't as strong or they don't have an understanding of everything like you do. (it can go both ways) As their wife, if this is you, you can be the change to your husband's life, not shoving things down his throat but by doing what you always do. Praying and fasting and operating in church, soon he will start to wonder why you fast, pray late at night, gather people for bible study and etc. For the Bible says: ( 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 NLT) (12) "Now, I will speak to the rest of you, though I do not have a direct command from the Lord...If a fellow believer has a wife who is not a believer & she is willing to continue living with him, he must not leave her. (13) And if a believing woman has a husband who is not a believer & he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. (14) For the believing wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the believing husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not be holy, but now they are holy.."
Notice how in the beginning of the scripture it states that "though there is no direct command from the Lord", with that being said, if you're in this situation where you believe and he doesn't or vice versa, seek God's face to gain wisdom on what you should do. Honestly from experience, as a wife PLEASE seek God's face in everything! If you're going through a rough patch in your marriage or having a tough time with the kids, DO NOT RUN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT IT IN THE CHURCH! Your business will spread like wildfire! It's not fun to say but it's the truth: NOT EVERYONE HAS YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. THERE ARE WOMEN OUT THERE WHO WANT YOUR SPECIFIC POSITION. SOME PEOPLE WILL PRETEND TO CARE ONLY TO THROW YOUR BUSINESS OUT THERE! (I've been there, never again!) This brings damage to your heart, mindset, and marriage! This go for family members too, you can't go around talking about everything to people. Some things are meant to be kept between husband and wife. Some people do have your best interests at heart and some don't, pray for them both. Sometimes people will show favoritism between you or your husband and that's why as a wife, your discernment has to be straight so you can know who's really for you and who's not. It's important to surround yourself with people who genuinely support your marriage and encourage you both to strive harder together for the things of God. Having people like that around you and your husband is truly a blessing. Not only are they a blessing to you but you are also a blessing to them.
You and your husband are a blessing to them because you are able to lead and present how a godly marriage operates. They can come to you about how marriage works and how to operate and how to prepare for marriage and all. With this being said, people, especially those who see in the spirit, can be watchful and this time, I'm not talking in a negative way about it (even though there are spiteful people out there watching too). Watch how you treat, respond, and react towards your spouse in front of others. I'm not saying that you have to put on this show as if your marriage is perfect, I'm saying watch how you operate in front of others because people learn and grow from what you do. If you are leading a certain group of people, you don't want to lead them astray just because you're having a bad day. As wives, we carry ourselves with grace and strength, we are very understanding and have a quiet, calm spirit. This doesn't mean that we don't have a voice or anything like that, it just means that we are seen as peacemakers and often times as Women of God, some of us can be EXTREMELY sensitive in the spirit so we can pick up on people around us and we have to be so prayed up that we don't let someone else's emotions creep in on us! You have to know when somebody else's stuff tries to latch onto you or suck the life out of you. It sounds crucial BUT IT'S REAL! Some people can be so caught up in their own will, mind, and emotions, that it starts to take a toll on those around them. How to avoid this, ALREADY BE SO PRAYED UP THAT YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! You either gotta pray for that person, praise for them, or they gotta go through deliverance. BUT DON'T PARTICIPATE IN TAKING SOMEONE THROUGH DELIVERANCE IF YOUR SPIRIT AIN'T RIGHT OR YOU DIDN'T REPENT FIRST OR YOU JUST DOING IT FOR THE GLORY OF YOURSELF. IF THE HOLY GHOST TOLD YOU TO OPERATE THEN LEAN ON THE LORD FOR GUIDANCE!
To come to a conclusion, as wives, our prayer lives are so important in all areas of our lives and for other people's lives as well. And God sees it all! He sees it when you get up and pray, He sees it when someone pops up in your head and you pray and check up on them, and you go on interceding for others in the early morning and He sees when you labor for others or you think nothing of it when specific people come to mind and because they might not have been the best person to you, you don't pray for them. WAKE UP BODY OF CHRIST, THAT'S BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! MOVE WHEN GOD SAYS MOVE AND SPEAK WHEN GOD SAYS SPEAK! This entire post also applies to women who will one day be married so really this is for all women, whether you're younger or more mature, salvation has no age! I pray that this was helpful! As Always:
Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
As a wife, no matter what kind of calling you have on your life or what kind of calling your husband has on his life, it's very important to pray and war for them when they are operating in ministry. Whether they are giving a sermon, praying for people, giving people prophecy, taking someone through deliverance, or out in the night evangelizing, it's extremely important for us to cover our husbands, our transportation, our children (if you have them) and our home (if we are not there and if we are there.) This is all important because first of all the enemy HATES it when people give their lives to Christ, then it drives the enemy crazy when we dig deep in the Word of God and start operating in the authority and calling that God has placed on our lives. It TRULY gets on the enemy nerves when a married couple operates in ministry, why...BECAUSE THE DEVIL HATES MARRIAGE! And now you have the audacity to operate in ministry? OH YEA, THE ENEMY'S FURIOUS BUT GOD! So why is it important to cover your husband and your home while your husband is operating in ministry? It's important because (speaking from experience) if the enemy can't stop you or your husband from pouring out to people and leading them to freedom, then right after a huge move of God, the enemy will try to send an attack to your home or on the drive home. When I first got married, I didn't realize this at all, I would get annoyed at the smallest things but it wasn't me, it was the enemy trying to cause destruction and division between my husband and I. Once I started to notice the patterns, I had put my armor on so quick. Now I'm constantly praying over my husband and our home while we operate in ministry. Yes, I say we because I operate as well when the Holy Ghost leads me. I never really pictured myself doing that (and you don't have to do it) but when God says move you move! So now just imagine how furious the enemy is, not only are these people young and married, but they also are both operating in ministry? You best better believe the attacks try to come flying through the window! BUT GOD!
Now then, when I said that you don't have to operate in ministry, it's true, wives are not pressured to do what their husbands do or operate or even be apart of the ministry life. As wives, we are not pressured by our husbands to do anything in ministry but also as women of God, we know that if God called us to do something and told us what our position was and what we should be doing, you better do it! Not only is your husband counting on your prayers, but other women get covered with your strength! People don't have to know that you pray for them or even praise for them, praying and praising for someone else's life is extremely important but you don't have to use it as golden star bait. Nobody is perfect and we shouldn't be seeking a pat on the back for praying, blessing and praising for people. Remember, you may think you have a locked up heart, but God has a key that you are unaware of, and He knows every desire and motive in your heart, whether they are good or bad. Use wisdom and do the things of God without looking for a pat on the back! As believers in general, we are suppose to do these things and many more! (See Mark 16:17-18) Whether you are a wife on the go or a stay at home wife, your prayer life has no end. You have to constantly plead the blood of Jesus Christ over yourself and your transportation, your husband and his transportation, your home, the workplace and even conversations you have with people. The enemy will try to come at you and your spouse especially when someone is at work or home or even out grocery shopping. From my experience, I had a season where the enemy attacked my mind so badly to the point where I was making my husband feel like he couldn't operate in ministry. The enemy got one toe in the door of my mind during that season and soon, the whole foot was in the door and because I wasn't praying and fasting, I wasn't ready nor equipped for anything the enemy was throwing at me. I wouldn't want that for anyone! It's not a easy time to get out of BUT GOD. Deliverance, self deliverance, repentance, confession and forgiveness was required for me to get back on track and stay on track. I'm telling y'all right now, feelings and emotions SERIOUSLY lead you astray. The enemy will slip toxic nothings in your ears that aren't even real and it'll have you growing a disliking or non trusting spirit towards your husband and others to cause division in the marriage and fellowship. CONSTANTLY STAY IN PRAYER WIVES AND SINGLE WOMEN OF GOD. I CANNOT SAY THIS ENOUGH!!!
When I was in that tough season, my husband couln't help me AT ALL. I had to go through because God knew I was stronger than how I was acting and honestly, it was a test of faith as well. I say this because, when God is about to correct you, you've gotta either receive it, take your whooping, and get it together so you can operate when you're with your husband or when you're at the store or work on your own or you can ignore it, fall into an even deeper hole beyond recovery and become lost and possibly lose everything you once had. I had to make a choice that season and I still make this choice daily, it's either God or the world! Whether your husband is being lead by the Holy Ghost or not, God is looking at what you do as a wife 24/7 365. Now when I say being lead by the Holy Ghost or not...I'm just gonna be real here, once you marry your man, he has authority over you, so whether he believes in God as strongly as you do or not and vice versa, you STILL have to SUBMIT to YOUR HUSBAND! This is why it is so IMPORTANT to make sure your spouse is God ordained to be with you! There are times as well when God might place you with a man who's faith isn't as strong or they don't have an understanding of everything like you do. (it can go both ways) As their wife, if this is you, you can be the change to your husband's life, not shoving things down his throat but by doing what you always do. Praying and fasting and operating in church, soon he will start to wonder why you fast, pray late at night, gather people for bible study and etc. For the Bible says: ( 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 NLT) (12) "Now, I will speak to the rest of you, though I do not have a direct command from the Lord...If a fellow believer has a wife who is not a believer & she is willing to continue living with him, he must not leave her. (13) And if a believing woman has a husband who is not a believer & he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. (14) For the believing wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the believing husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not be holy, but now they are holy.."
Notice how in the beginning of the scripture it states that "though there is no direct command from the Lord", with that being said, if you're in this situation where you believe and he doesn't or vice versa, seek God's face to gain wisdom on what you should do. Honestly from experience, as a wife PLEASE seek God's face in everything! If you're going through a rough patch in your marriage or having a tough time with the kids, DO NOT RUN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT IT IN THE CHURCH! Your business will spread like wildfire! It's not fun to say but it's the truth: NOT EVERYONE HAS YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. THERE ARE WOMEN OUT THERE WHO WANT YOUR SPECIFIC POSITION. SOME PEOPLE WILL PRETEND TO CARE ONLY TO THROW YOUR BUSINESS OUT THERE! (I've been there, never again!) This brings damage to your heart, mindset, and marriage! This go for family members too, you can't go around talking about everything to people. Some things are meant to be kept between husband and wife. Some people do have your best interests at heart and some don't, pray for them both. Sometimes people will show favoritism between you or your husband and that's why as a wife, your discernment has to be straight so you can know who's really for you and who's not. It's important to surround yourself with people who genuinely support your marriage and encourage you both to strive harder together for the things of God. Having people like that around you and your husband is truly a blessing. Not only are they a blessing to you but you are also a blessing to them.
You and your husband are a blessing to them because you are able to lead and present how a godly marriage operates. They can come to you about how marriage works and how to operate and how to prepare for marriage and all. With this being said, people, especially those who see in the spirit, can be watchful and this time, I'm not talking in a negative way about it (even though there are spiteful people out there watching too). Watch how you treat, respond, and react towards your spouse in front of others. I'm not saying that you have to put on this show as if your marriage is perfect, I'm saying watch how you operate in front of others because people learn and grow from what you do. If you are leading a certain group of people, you don't want to lead them astray just because you're having a bad day. As wives, we carry ourselves with grace and strength, we are very understanding and have a quiet, calm spirit. This doesn't mean that we don't have a voice or anything like that, it just means that we are seen as peacemakers and often times as Women of God, some of us can be EXTREMELY sensitive in the spirit so we can pick up on people around us and we have to be so prayed up that we don't let someone else's emotions creep in on us! You have to know when somebody else's stuff tries to latch onto you or suck the life out of you. It sounds crucial BUT IT'S REAL! Some people can be so caught up in their own will, mind, and emotions, that it starts to take a toll on those around them. How to avoid this, ALREADY BE SO PRAYED UP THAT YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! You either gotta pray for that person, praise for them, or they gotta go through deliverance. BUT DON'T PARTICIPATE IN TAKING SOMEONE THROUGH DELIVERANCE IF YOUR SPIRIT AIN'T RIGHT OR YOU DIDN'T REPENT FIRST OR YOU JUST DOING IT FOR THE GLORY OF YOURSELF. IF THE HOLY GHOST TOLD YOU TO OPERATE THEN LEAN ON THE LORD FOR GUIDANCE!
To come to a conclusion, as wives, our prayer lives are so important in all areas of our lives and for other people's lives as well. And God sees it all! He sees it when you get up and pray, He sees it when someone pops up in your head and you pray and check up on them, and you go on interceding for others in the early morning and He sees when you labor for others or you think nothing of it when specific people come to mind and because they might not have been the best person to you, you don't pray for them. WAKE UP BODY OF CHRIST, THAT'S BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! MOVE WHEN GOD SAYS MOVE AND SPEAK WHEN GOD SAYS SPEAK! This entire post also applies to women who will one day be married so really this is for all women, whether you're younger or more mature, salvation has no age! I pray that this was helpful! As Always:
Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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