Evaluating Yourself

How many of us point fingers at people & feed off of talking about people when they have wronged us? How many? ALOT! Myself included! Yes, I've been there & I can only talk about it now because that issue no longer has a hold on my life! I am FREE indeed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

...The Rough Patch...

Now then, when people have wronged me, I honestly started to store up resentment towards them. I would basically shutter or cringe at certain names or faces ,(PLEASE NOTE) I am just being open about it because every little thing is a testimony and I want people to know that deliverance and repentance is open to all! Now, I wasn't always the best person back then. That old me HAD TO GO!! I can honestly call myself out on my past actions because I was in lala land back then. (back then was not that long ago) I'm over here DRAINING MYSELF with resentment and such when really, it was my own fault because I had put my faith in man and not in God.. Let me say that again! My mistake was: I HAD PUT MY FAITH IN MAN AND NOT IN GOD! What lead me to even fall into this? Well when people were saying what they would do for me and bless me with and how they would support me, I put a lot of faith into their words and I honestly had let some of my trust go in God. I was so worried about things that needed to get done that I almost lost sight that God is the provider of all my needs! When things didn't follow through, I was a wreck and went about it in the wrong way. I didn't pray, I ran my mouth, and then I had the nerve to act as if I was the oppressed victim when really, I wasn't any better than the people who've lied to/on me because I had stooped to an even lower level. Sheesh! BUT SOMEBODY PLEASE SAY "BUT GOD"!!! 

...The Digestion Of Daily Bread...

As I began to read the Word of God.. Let me say that again.. AS I BEGAN TO READ THE WORD OF GOD, I had to do the unthinkable (so I thought at the time) I had to look in the mirror and see myself for who I really was! DUN! DUN! DUNNN! Y'all, it's easier to point the finger at someone but once it gets pointed towards you BY THE MOST HIGH LIVING GOD...oh..you become SMALLER than a flea! Just getting drenched in the fear of God! It's one thing to have people point at you and watch you, but it's a whole other ball game when God has a magnifying glass on you! During the rough patch, the fear of God was really heavy on me and I began to realize why. It was because I knew better and yet I still acted wrongly! Am I excusing bad behavior/intentions for people who don't know Christ or the Bible? Of course not, the conviction is just 10x worse when you know better! Why was I continuously running my mouth & storing up resentment when I KNEW I had the tools to snap out of it! I knew I had to fight and I refused! And that's nobody's fault but my own!

...God Don't Like Ugly...

Nope, I'm not talking about appearances, I'm talking about the secret things that lie in our hearts that are not of God. The negative thought process or downright wrong intentions. Get delivered! It's possible, it's FREEDOM!! Get anything that is not of God out of you and make it stay out! Let God mend the cracks of your heart so that you may serve Him!

...Facing The Reflection...

After awhile, I caved in and took a look over my whole self and it was awful! I was shown the things in my heart, my past actions, my thought process, the way I treated people, etc. And I had to take it all in, it was like I was meeting someone for the first time not even knowing the person I had become was me. I began to see pieces of myself that I didn't even know existed and I began to see how horrible I was becoming. It was a living nightmare, and it shook me up so badly that I just knew ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH!

...Fixing The Reflection...

I had to repent daily and heavily, I had to go through deliverance, take myself through deliverance, and stick with being delivered! How? Anytime a negative thought or bad habit would begin to rise, I had to cut it at the roots and use my authority over the enemy. Even when I had small moments of sadness or frustration, I repented quickly. If I knew I had to read the Word, I ate that daily bread like it was no tomorrow! I held my tongue from harsh words when I was being wronged and I threw my worries and hurt onto the altar, I just couldn't go backwards! I didn't want to fall into the hands of an angry God and I still don't! Some people might say "oh well talking about people is no big deal if they wronged you first!" NOPE! WRONG! TRY AGAIN! Anything that is not of God or isn't pleasing to His will is a HUGE NO! Especially when you know better! I had to ask God forgiveness, let go of all the dead weight I had created, and I had to forgive all those who had wronged me.

...Don't Get Even, Just Pray About It...

Nowadays if people lie to me or do me wrong, 10/10 it's revealed through the Holy Ghost and I have a choice, I either return to my old ways, digging up bad feelings or I just send up a prayer to God and continue to move forward with kindness and wisdom. Sometimes the enemy tries to make it seem like you'll never be able to pray for people who have done wrong by you, BUT GOD! It's possible and necessary! It pleases the Lord! I'm not saying that you have to be best friends with some people because there will come a time where you have to let some people go (the Lord will guide you). You might say it hurts when people say they will do things for you or have your back and then they turn around and not do it or watch you fall (I've been there & I used to say this alot) BUT GOD! Honestly..does it really hurt when you KNOW that the mighty living God has kept you through even worse situations? I mean does it really hurt when you know that God has pulled you out of way worse things than someone's lying lips? PUT YOUR FAITH IN GOD AND NOT IN MAN! We love our brothers and sisters in Christ, we just can't put them on a pedestal as if they will fix all our problems and save us from sin. Someone already did that: Jesus Christ! And we are covered by the Lord's grace and mercy, we just can't abuse it.

...I Choose God 24/7 365...

I have to say that for me personally, evaluating myself was long and hard because I used to be big headed and I had put myself on a pedestal but I had to ask myself: Was I for real about my relationship with God or not? I knew I was for real & I STILL AM! The question really shifted my focus for the better! Praise God! I want to live only to please the Lord! I can't be over here living two lives and having a double mindset! It's either God or the world and I chose God, I'm choosing God, I've chosen God and I will continue to choose God through my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ! Evaluating yourself doesn't just end when your rough patch is over, it should be all throughout life! Everyday! Right along with repentance & reading the Word of God! Let me tell y'all, when there are days that I know I'm wrong, I eat that daily bread like it's my last meal! I should be like that everyday though, whether I'm having a good/bad day. That's something that I know I can improve on.

...Glory To God...

Start asking yourselves: What will please the Lord today? How can I improve myself for His glory?
It's not always comfortable but lately I've been learning that when God takes you out of your comfort zone, He's growing you! Not only for your well being but for others as well! Don't be afraid to look in the mirror, just fix the reflection! We won't always like what we see but that motivates us to throw away the old us and be born again in Christ. It pushes us to make a choice! When we submit to the Lord, He improves us, He sees our truest intentions for looking in the mirror & He wipes us clean! Do these things to please God and be grateful for Him, He doesn't have to love or bless us but He does! Yes, I have put myself out there and it's out of my comfort zone but I rather be obedient to His will, so praise God! I truly hope this is helpful to anyone who reads this. Nobody is perfect but it's not too late to get on the right track with God by getting up close and personal with Him! I encourage you to evaluate yourself today! 

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
