Becoming A Woman of God pt 2
Having correctional moments as Women of God helps us grow spiritually and forces us to take a deep look within ourselves to the point where we can see that we have some fixing up to do and that we aren't as put together as we thought we were.. We all go through in one way or another, sometimes other people are the problem and most of the time, we are our own problem. For instance, let's say that we are looking at ourselves because of an image problem, we aren't helping ourselves by speaking negatively about how we look. Instead, we should speak life over ourselves. If there's a tough situation that's been hanging over our heads for a long time and we feel as though we aren't moving forward then we've got to take a step back, look into our battle tactics, how we treat others, how we treat God, and WATCH WHAT COMES OUT OF OUR MOUTHS. Don't front, women can be chatty, some are aware of this and some aren't. Sometimes we don't treat God the best and He still gives us chance after chance to deny ourselves and listen to Him completely. Other times our MOUTHS can ruin/block our blessings and miracles that we have been praying hard for. Whether we talk about someone else, ourselves, or complain/argue on our situation, we have to keep in mind that both life AND death is in the POWER of our OWN tongue!
Correctional moments can step on your toes and they really don't feel good but they're necessary. I used to be a hot head that always needed to be right, even when I knew I was in the wrong, I had to be right. That only resulted into me to stopping my spiritual growth and I felt stuck. I had to get out of my flesh, admit to my faults, and deny myself in front of the Lord and aim to put my COMPLETE focus on the kingdom because people's lives are at stake. I don't want anyone's blood on my hands spiritually because of my disobedience, delayed obedience, or refusing to accept correctional moments. Admitting your faults is a huge step in becoming a woman of God. If you're moving in the prophetic and you don't rebuke everything that comes to you and you just spit out the first thing you see to people without revelation, then you're moving in error. Not only are you stomping on your own growth but because someone is listening to the things you say, you're leading others astray as well. This is why it is extremely important to have the RIGHT people around you who can give you a correctional moment. And no it's not saying that you aren't good enough or that you're getting picked on, you just need guidance in order to grow so that when you talk to people on the streets, you aren't pumping their heads up with false words. Ladies, your actions are that serious because other women could be coming to you for encouragement or prayer, other women may depend on seeing you shouting and praising God through the storm. Don't become your own worst the enemy, the enemy will not shut down your praise in the name of Jesus Christ! Always make sure you are praying and discerning everything so you can see if you are hearing from the Holy Ghost or the enemy.
If there are people around who ALLOW you to move in error, then you are in the wrong environment, ask the Holy Ghost for direction and get out of there. Now, there will come a time in some cases where if you've been poured into a lot and you still don't get the message and you still operate the same way, God will take a step back sometimes, scary to think about right? It can happen and it is happening, don't let yourself get you into that situation. Correctional moments should be accepted with a grateful heart because someone cared for YOU enough to stop YOU from falling or wandering off. Sometimes we don't look at correctional moments like that, often times it can be looked at as: "oh so you're right and I'm wrong?" "You think you're better than me?" "I'm not good enough or smart enough?" As soon as these thoughts try to creep in, rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ and accept the correctional moments. I take in the correctional moments as second chances because some people are out here literally losing their lives or all that they have for moving in error or moving out of order. I know that nobody is perfect but we have got to stop using that as an excuse for poor actions.
The people who cry wolf...there are some people who cry wolf and there some people who have to deal with the people who cry wolf. Almost everyone has cried wolf at some point in their lives, others have done it as kids while some grown men and women do it today on the daily basis for attention. Learning to stop the calls whether you are one of these people or are dealing with one of these people isn't as hard as it may sound. People who are crying wolf on the daily basis are most likely seeking attention and need a pity party so that they won't be held accountable for their actions or mouths when they run into trouble. Don't burn yourself out for them, only do what the Holy Ghost has told you to do, no more, no less. You don't want to find yourself in a place where you're constantly pouring out to the person who is crying wolf and you find yourself drained and running yourself crazy over someone's problems. Now sometimes you might be put in a place where you are genuinely being obedient and helping someone, just don't let it get to the point where the person is using you. Continue to pray for them, there's always room for prayer even when you aren't around them, pray for them and keep it moving. Now if you're one of these people who cry wolf, realize that your actions affect other people's lives, take a step back and ask the Holy Ghost what your next move should be, look in the mirror. Are you really showing God the type of person who should get that new home, car, job, or even a new relationship with Him? Are you showing Him a HUMBLE and GRATEFUL type of person even when you're going through the storm? Are you pushing and praying for OTHERS as much as you want everyone to push and pray for you? What does your heart REALLY look like to God? Are you making it a priority to represent the Kingdom or are you just worried about your own wants and needs and not realizing that there are people out here who are dying and are freezing and need legit heavy help? What are you showing God? We've got to put in work, we don't want to miss God and we definitely don't want God to take a step back from us...Putting a stop to a crying wolf person requires using the long wooden spoon and loving from afar and genuine prayer. Through experience, I answered the call too many times and got drained mentally to the point where the enemy started throwing all kinds of crazy attacks at me. Help when you're able and don't let people use you for their own personal gain. Don't be an open ear to an ungrateful speaker, live to please God not people.
With correctional moments and having the ability to stop answering the crying wolf calls, we've got to do all of this IN LOVE!!! This is where things, for some women, can get very difficult... Sometimes it can be exhausting repeating yourself over and over again and someone still won't get the message. Some women will walk away and pray and push harder while others might reach their breaking point and just snap and say things completely out of hand and make the situation worse. I mean let's be real, some women can be petty, bitter, and can gossip a lot. Don't let these characteristics come back into your life if you're already delivered from that old lifestyle, don't go backwards just because of someone else. Not only will you make the situation with the attention seeker worse, you'll knock yourself down to an even lower level because YOU KNOW BETTER. When someone is crying wolf for attention there are ways to shut it down IN LOVE. Pray in tongues and the Holy Ghost will give you what to say or what to do. Once you have said what needed to be said or have done what needed to be done IN LOVE, then walk away or don't continue to conversation. They have a choice to either take this in or not. Another thing to do when dealing with people who cry wolf is to avoid from calling them out of their name. It can be a lot listening to the same old story or pouring out constantly but you're only adding more fuel to the fire if you speak negatively over an already unstable person. Speak life over them and if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all. You can show tough love without being hateful or toxic. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE AND EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE SHOULD BE LEAD BY THE HOLY GHOST!
I can admit, because I believe that being real is important, things may slip,whether it be straight out of YOUR mouth or a thought! REPENT immediately and have another intimate moment with God to take a hard look at YOUR own heart. Soon you'll find yourself in a place where before you even think about thinking or saying something wrong, you'll hear that still voice telling you what HOLY moves you need to make. The instructions that we get from the Holy Ghost won't always be in our own comfort zone, it's necessary for our growth though so ask yourself.. where does your faith stand as a Woman of God? Shouldn't that mustard seed be a tree by now? Maybe even a forest by now..
I hope you all have enjoyed this and I might do a part 3 depending on how the Holy Ghost leads me.
As always, Stay Blessed and Encouraged:)
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