Becoming A Woman of God
I know that this is called "The Wife Life" but as I have stated before, my goal is to create an environment that encourages all women to seek who they are in Christ and to know how to build themselves up as women. So today, this is for all my women and young ladies.
Becoming a woman of God...I'm not gonna lie, before I actually started to grow up, I had a completely different vision of how Women of God should look and act. As a child, I honestly used to think that they were the older women who had a stuck up nature about themselves. They had a lot of money, wore dramatic clothes and had some type of power over their husbands, and they always looked down on each other. Growing up, a lot of older women who claimed to be of God were exactly like this, stuck up and all...crazy right? Well there are still women out here younger and older who mistreat the words "Woman of God" and they lead others astray because people are always watching. Someone right now could be looking up to you and your actions and do whatever you do. They think it's okay to do what you do because you claimed to be a woman of God AND a pastor, prophetess, evangelist, etc. If you're out here doing wrong and you have people who are following you, you could lead them astray. It's true when they say this walk is not our own, you never know who you inspire or who you can influence, so that means that EVERY step YOU take and EVERY move YOU make should be lead by the HOLY GHOST NOT YOUR FEELINGS. We suffer and go through but we have to fight and get back up again.
Of course as I got older and started to grow more spiritually, I have learned that becoming a woman of God is so much more precious and dignifying than what I was shown as a child. Real women of God are kind, gentle, feisty fighters in the spirit, and huge supporters. They have given their lives to Christ and are Holy Ghost filled (with the evidence of speaking in tongues) and so much more! Women of God are so beautiful on the inside, the Word is a huge part of their daily lives and they fight in the spirit with no fear of the enemy. They can admit when they are moving in error and can accept being corrected when they are wrong because they know that having correctional moments in life helps with spiritual growth no matter the age. They are humble and aren't look for an applause every time they do a good deed and they don't put on a performance when giving someone a prophetic word in ministry.
Becoming a Woman of God doesn't just happen overnight, it happens all throughout your lives..little by little, we grow up more and more in the spirit with the right guidance and good intentions in our hearts. As women of God (well as believers in general) our hearts are tested on the daily basis whether we are aware or not. You told that young girl that you loved her, does your heart show it? You prayed for that married couple in front of everyone but are their secret intentions in your heart lounging around? You shouted and praised the loudest in the center of the room, were you putting on a performance or were you really moved by the Holy Ghost? EVERY STEP WE TAKE AND EVERY MOVE WE MAKE SHOULD BE GUIDED BY THE HOLY GHOST!!! We may hear this a lot and nod YES or say YES but are we applying it to our lives? We have to, it's necessary, we don't want to fall off track and we really don't want to lead others off track when there are people out here watching for encouragement or depending on your praise.
You may be thinking: People are watching me? Who am I to them? Why watch me? Well there are 2 possible reasons why people are watching you: 1.) They look to you as an inspiring, encouraging person, a strong, humble person. They saw how you went from bottom to top and even through your struggles you wore a smile on your face and had purity in your heart. They know that if you can make it and God can pull you through, then they can make it and God can pull them through too. 2.) Another reason why people are watching you is because they are waiting for you to fall. They wait for your marriage/relationship to fail so they can have hopes of replacing you. They await your stumbling moments and laugh at your suffering behind closed doors. They must be weary though for the Bible says: (Ecclesiastes 10:20 NLT: ...And don't make fun of the powerful, even in your bedroom. For a little bird might deliver YOUR message and tell them what YOU said...) Jealousy is a very very heavy poison that clouds people's minds and hearts. Sometimes we know who these people are and what their intentions are and sometimes, God won't allow us to see who these people are. He wants to see if we truly have a heart for the people like we claim we do. How do you handle all of this? Pray for people anyway and genuinely be happy for their next level and praise and shout for the miracles that God has blessed them with. How do you expect to get a miracle if you can't even be grateful for someone else? But you want everyone else to push their hardest for you? Our hearts are getting exposed, where do you stand? Do you really love that girl like you said you do or did you talk about how she looked behind closed doors with others? Do you really support both the husband AND wife when you claimed to love them or are you waiting for a downfall or a crack to develop in between them so that you have the hope to have one of them as your own? Are you really praying for others with a grateful heart or are you praying for others just to look good in front of people?
People are watching, whether they have good intentions or bad, pray for everyone anyway with a grateful heart. Don't brag about how much you love people and you don't have to be vocal on when you pray or help someone just for attention. God sees the secret things, good and bad, strive to make everything good, those skeletons in your closet will break when you let God do His thing in His own timing.
You might be thinking okay this is cool and all but what are the steps? Details! Details! Well the truth is, I can't tell you how to have a personal relationship with God. That's something that should already be your heart's desire, there should be a hunger for the Word, a hunger to do the work of the Lord without seeking recognition. Faith cannot be forced and there were times when I had to learn and retain this the hard way. Faith cannot be forced. Now, there are DAILY things that we should be doing as BELIEVERS though. Praying AND fasting, and don't broadcast to the world when you are fasting. Don't brag about how hard you pray for others either, if there's a day where you just dig in deep for people then Praise God! Give Him all the glory, do the work of the Lord and keep it moving for His glory and His glory alone. Ministry is not about being seen, it's about serving!! Another thing to do as a believer is to pray and worship God inside & outside of the church. You praise and shout in front of everyone but what goes on behind closed doors? You pushing that hard on your own time? What's the first thing you do when you feel your back is up against the wall? Phone or prayer?
Don't let your weapons of spiritual warfare collect dust, keep them clean and loaded and always be prepared to fight! Praise and worship God just because you love Him, we ALL owe it to Him.
You just gotta start thanking Him for being Him. You can't go through mess when you come to church, get set free but it only lasts for 30 minutes, then fall short and forget every Word and prayer that people have poured into you as battle equipment and then decide not to fight.. Love on God, tell Him how good He is, cover OTHER people in love, seek the kingdom first, be usable to God! Get up and fight, get up and show God why you want that blessing or miracle.
The most precious weapons you can have is your heavenly language (speaking in tongues) and the Word of God. Your heavenly language is a precious weapon because you build up your spirit and you're praying in mystery. You could be praying for any and everything, this also opens up the door for the Holy Ghost to give you clarity, direction, wisdom, warnings, and correctional moments. The Word of God is literally spiritual food that should be eaten every day. It lets us have a one on one with God. We can't live through other people for that.
On that note, I will be writing a part 2 to this piece and we will be talking about accepting correctional moments as women, recognizing the wolves in sheep's clothing and when to stop answering to someone's call of crying wolf but by doing all of this in love. I hope you have all enjoyed this so far and that it has helped in some way, as always:
Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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