It's Time To Take A Look In The Mirror
We are our own worst enemy...
Often times as women, we love to shout what we deserve and we tend to sit on our high horse when it comes down to looking at others. We can get loud on who's doing what and how wrong they are and point out their flaws/mistakes all day long. Then, as soon as someone tries to correct us, we shut down, get mad, or cry to play the victim and we scream how nothing is fair. Ladies, don't be this person. Now I can understand if you're the type of person who is genuinely happy for people, uplifting others, minding your business and you're actually shutting down gossip at the ROOT, and then someone around you is still pointing out your insecurities for no that's toxic, I get it. But, if you are one of those people who feed off of putting others down and saying what you have and what they don't are you gonna expect people to feel bad for you when you get hurt or have a spoonful of your own medicine? That's not how it works. We cannot achieve success, peace, happiness, or blessings if we are bitter or bad intentions or take joy in seeing other people fall...
Take a good look in the mirror...examine yourself...
Do you have the best interests at heart for people or are you putting people down just because they aren't where you are? Are you constantly pointing out the flaws in others when you're around them to make yourself look better? Do you make it a goal to embarrass people around you for fun? When you finally make it to the top floor, will you send the elevator down for the next person to come up? What are your intentions? Ask yourself these questions and if the smallest bit of anger, bitterness, or unforgiving feelings begin to rise, REPENT!!! Get down on your knees and call out the mess you've been doing to people and planting into people. You want change right? Fix yourself! How? Call on God and tell Him any and everything you've been doing and soon you'll realize that it's possible for YOU to become YOUR own worst enemy.
Different categories...
Some women know they are like this and want to change and are taking the steps to change by calling themselves out for what it is and by praying and fasting and asking God to guide their footsteps. Then there are some women who know they are like this and they just don't want to change. They find satisfaction in being petty and or gossiping about people and then they go cry wolf once they're the ones in trouble. Once they get help for a moment, they go right back to their same toxic ways.............( Proverbs 26:11 NLT - As a dog returns to it's vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness) Don't plot revenge on these women, don't show them the attention they are seeking, and PLEASE don't pray for anything bad to happen to them. Pray for their deliverance, pray that they will soon find their way to becoming a better person and cover them in love. Lastly, you have some women who deal with this but because they have dealt with this for so long, they aren't even aware of how toxic they are to themselves and to others. My husband has taught me something that I want to share with you all: EVERYTHING DOES NOT DESERVE A RESPONSE!!! Whether it be a text, DM, phone call, email, and even face to face: EVERYTHING DOES NOT DESERVE A RESPONSE!! Examine the way people act around you and how you act around others. Sometimes you can be toxic to them or they can be toxic to you. Notice the patterns in people so you will know when to stop yourself from entertaining the same old set up or stop them from continuing the same old set up.
Same solutions...
Do not get discouraged, don't ever put yourself down if you have this going on and don't ever put other people down if they have this going on with them. None of us are perfect, examine yourself in that mirror, do you uplift your friends or are you always striving to win the NON EXISTENT competition? If you are going through this, no matter what side of the situation you are on, I don't want you to ever give up. If you're being toxic, look in the mirror, examine yourself on how you treat others and how they treat you. Look at your own heart. Repent, pray, and have an intimate moment with God. If you're on the side where someone is being toxic towards you, repent, pray, and have an intimate moment with God. Same solutions for different categories. I'm saying this because sometimes we can commit sins that we aren't aware of, like a bad thought can leave a bad taste in your heart...yes, your heart! Keep it pure, I'm not saying that it's going to be easy because when I went through this in the past, I had a mouth and I would lash back on people. Let's give God praise for deliverance!! Nowadays when I go through this, I have enough sense to know that God is really looking at how I react because I know better. Do you? Will you go back to your old ways to get even or will you be the bigger person and pray in love for others.
Not just a routine...
Look at yourself in the mirror, do you give it your all to check on others as much as they check on you? Do you ask others about their well being too or do you go on all day about you? Are you covering yourself AND others in a genuine prayer of love? Looking at yourself in the mirror can be a big challenge BUT GOD IS BIGGER! He put you here for a reason, with a purpose and calling on your life! Will you walk in it and completely trust Him in EVERYTHING or will you live on the fence and only get your praise and worship on when Sunday comes? Will you only fight the enemy and shout on Sunday? This should all be a lifestyle, not a once a week routine. You should be able to have just as much faith and fighting skills against the enemy outside of the church as you do inside of the church 24/7 365.
Don't block your blessings...
Being toxic can hurt others and it will hurt you 20x more especially if you're already equipped and you already know what you're supposed to be doing. By being toxic, bitter, and lurking in the shadows with bad intentions, you can block all the blessings that you're supposed to be receiving. All the doors that were about to open up to you can get locked because of the secret intentions that lay in your heart. Whether it be bitterness, jealousy, or anything negative, it can hold you back from your own growth. Don't get mad when someone else gets an extreme blessing because of their hard work and you're sitting around not even trying to fight the enemy, wondering when is it your turn. You have to fight this thing out, people putting in work, not just in the natural, in the spiritual, you don't get nothing by doing nothing while crying wolf. This walk of faith is serious, your words need to match up to your actions. We want to lead people to Christ and spread the Gospel. We work hard in ministry inside and outside the church. Pulling long hours to pray for people, having them go through deliverance, and getting them set free from bondage. It's all to glorify God, we don't have time for games and sideways distractions. Don't get mad at the results you didn't get by the work you didn't do. Tough love is needed in the body of Christ. Lastly, let's all keep this in mind, me too :
Don't get mad at the mirror, just fix the reflection!
As always, Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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