Cherishing The Little Moments
Holding The Umbrella & Admiring The Rainbow
Marriage isn't just something you pick up, love isn't just a hobby to catch onto. Marriage is a covenant made before God, love is a commitment. In marriage, there are sunny days then there are rainy days, the right way to go about the rainy days is to hold the umbrella with your spouse. Hold on tight until the clouds open up and you see the rainbow, don't lose your grip when the wind picks up and the rain gets heavy. When God is in the center, you are equipped with the fighting skills to cover your spouse in prayer and day to day life. Ladies, being the backbone of your HUSBAND is more than just a tweet, status, or caption, it's about taking a hold of God's word and actually applying it to not only the marriage but your life as well.
Rainy Day Survival: Sometimes we think highly of ourselves to the point where it's actually unhealthy. In simpler terms, we can get carried away in our own thoughts just because we are married or engaged. DON'T LET THE RING GET TO YOUR HEADS! If you ever find yourself flashing your ring because of insecurities of your own or even fear that someone didn't know you or your spouse was taken, run to God and pour your heart out, then bring this to your husband or fiance and pray together about it. Marriage isn't just a title to show off like a brand new car or house, it's about putting in work to glorify God, covering your spouse, being a strong support system, and showing the world how waiting on God's promise is rewarding to the marriage and still glorifying Him. When it comes down to insecurities, you should be comfortable enough to express them to your spouse and most importantly to God. Be weary when you do this, you don't want to end up in a place where you are complaining and coming off as ungrateful. Place your worries on the cross and LEAVE THEM THERE, don't carry around dead weight that will not only drag you down but drag your spouse down as well. As women, let's admit it, our minds run all over the place every single day. We have the choice to either think on all things good and have a grateful heart or let our imagination run on negative things that don't even exist. Do not be deceived, the enemy HATES marriage and will try to slip toxic thoughts into your mind to throw you off track. Put your trust in God and fight back with prayer and fasting, rebuke the toxic thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ. Rainy days can suck and they might seem over powering, they actually aren't though, they actually don't have power unless you give them power. I want to encourage you all, when God has approved the person you are with, make sure you pray about any and everything first then communicate. Pray with your spouse, have them pray for you, you two are one (when you're married....yes I repeat when you're MARRIED) When you get married, you become one & you automatically take on everything your spouse takes on so you have to fight in the spiritual and be supportive with God in the center at ALL times. show your beauty by making your humble heart glow.
Sunny Day Tips: Cherish the little moments, tell your spouse what you love about them and how much you love them. Encourage their walk in faith with you and push their dreams and ideas that God has placed in them. Make sure you allow your HUSBAND to lead for the Bible says that he is the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23 NLT: For a HUSBAND is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church.) This does NOT apply to engaged, dating, or courting couples. You do not have to submit to a man unless you are MARRIED. Don't take submission in with a worldly perspective at all for the Bible says: (Ephesians 5:24-25 NLT: As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy & clean, washed by the cleansing of God's word.) In a marriage, you allow your husband to lead, if he is a true man of God and is being lead by the Holy Ghost then he is fit to lead and guide you and your family if you have children or plan on having children. The little things that should be cherished make a huge difference in a marriage. Holding hands during a long car ride,talking about funny moments that only you two have shared. Looking at your spouse and just thanking God that He placed you two together. In a marriage, people should only get to see the bread crumbs of your love for each other while you and your spouse enjoy the full meal together. Cherish the laughter, the relaxation time, and the working time and the time away. Yes, the time away! When your spouse is off to work or you're at work or running errands, enjoying the day, etc, take the time to thank God for your spouse. Praying and covering them to have a safe day and praising God for their obedience to spread the Gospel in anything they do. Cherish the smile of your spouse, the vulnerable moments, the moments you praise and worship God together. Praise is already your weapon and you get double the ammo when you are married and willingly pushing for God. Little moments make the happiest moments, these moments bring comfort, they are good things to think on and to look forward to. I've come to realize these moments come by easily when you change your mindset to be set on the Kingdom. It's easier said than done but you can change your mindset by getting full off of God's word while praying and fasting builds you up for spiritual warfare. Your husband will lead and guide you and your family, be his strong support system, think on all things good, trust God and be grateful for what you have, God blesses us with more than we ask for. I hope you all were blessed today! As always:
Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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