Perfect Is She Never, Real Is She Always

Water your garden, let your flowers grow, & bloom to be as beautiful as you can be!

As women of God, a lot of challenges come our way on the day to day basis. We also might fall into a comparison hype from time to time. This world tries to program and rewire us into thinking that we have to look and act a certain way and to be competitive with each other to see who is more elite to be accepted by the world. The thing is, we aren't supposed to be accepted by the world because we are already accepted by God. In the Body of Christ, we are called to be set apart, and please don't get discouraged if you are a new believer because when you give your life to Christ, you become set apart from this world as well and you will long to do what the Word of God says rather than what the world says.

We always wonder if people are being real or fake with question is: Are we being real or fake with God?

This is something that I was thinking about a few days ago and it kinda hit home for me. We always want to know the true intentions of others and back then, yes I can admit, I use to be huge on pleasing people and I really did care about what people thought about me. (Praise God that I rather please Him instead) Now then, I often see times where others just want to know who's down for them and who's against them. I mean when you really observe your surroundings, you'll notice (as crazy as it sounds) people really stress themselves out wondering who's with them and who's not. I've finally wiped my hands clean of that, I'm at the point where all I want to do is please God and lean on the Holy Spirit when it comes down to the people and decisions in my life. When I asked about being real or fake with God, there is some obvious situations of knowing which is which. See, you have people who just want to be seen and dance in church but we have got to realize that ministry is not about being seen, it's about serving. Serving who? The Lord. You may also see how some people want to try and suck spiritual people and leaders dry for their own benefits. It's like they are all for "loving" God when all eyes are on them but behind the scenes, they live a different lifestyle. But as we ALL know, God sees all and knows all. Now we do know the ones who are genuinely loving on God and are actually building a relationship with Him for who He is. I just want to know why don't we worry so much about if we are being real or fake with God. And yes, I stepped on my own toes with this question.

I used to be one of those people who stressed themselves out worrying about who was for me and who wasn't for me but then I realized I wanted to be who God called me to be and not worry so much on what people thought about me. As the Word of God says in Proverbs 31:30 NLT: "Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised!" I rather always ask the Lord if whatever it is I am saying, living, or doing is pleasing to Him and not others because people can have a mouthful of opinions all day but God has the final say on what happens in my life and I never want to fall into the hands of an angry God! I rather be real with Him, with every step I take and every move I make. Others may bring up my flaws and look down on me but another scripture that I hold onto tightly is Acts 10:15 NLT: " not call something unclean if God has made it clean" I know that I cannot control the way people view me or my beliefs but I do know that God controls, supplies, and provides everything that I will ever want or need and He blesses and washes me new with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and He does that for all who are willing to receive.

Perfect is she never, real is she always...

The world screams out for us as women to look perfect, be perfect, and sound perfect, but as humans, we aren't perfect and being the Body of Christ as believers in general, we don't lean on the "I'm only human" saying as an excuse when we fall short or make a mistake because with the Word of God we already know better. We don't have to strive to be perfect, we just have to strive to be real with God before we work ourselves up into a mind battle when it comes down to people and their mouths. We need to begin to be real with God and ourselves. Coming from experience and yes I'm gonna be open with y'all, there would be times where I would get dressed up or do my hair really nice and feel beautiful but once I saw certain comments and had subliminal messages sent to me, I would literally lose confidence in myself and I would legit regret getting dressed up or doing my hair. Yes, I know it sounds crazy but as I said before, I cared too much about what other people thought or said about me. A lot of people have been trying to get Self Love out there and I've learned one thing about it that some people seem to miss: DON'T PUT DOWN SOMEONE ELSE TO LIFT YOURSELF UP! For example: "At least I don't have a stomach like her but I xyz, or I may not be thick or have long hair but xyz" That girl with the stomach might have taken awhile to love herself, that girl with long hair might have been bullied for having it because people of her skin tone usually don't have it (common stereo type) and I can vouch for that because I was bullied for my hair and for being small when I was younger. If you are going to express something that you love about yourself,  don't put down others in the process. Real queens don't have to step on others to achieve the crown!

You may have times where you want to give up and throw in the towel but don't! Lift your head up and fix your crown that the Lord has placed on your head. Don't leave home without the armor of God on and a clean mind and heart. Don't look back on the things you've went through because God has already taken care of your future, it's up to you to focus in on the cross and to walk this walk with Him with full trust. Get real with God and stay real with Him and with who you are! You are a child of God, His beautiful daughter/son, you are a warrior and you have been made new through Jesus Christ. So get on those knees and pray then get up on those feet and put in work for the Lord!! When you boxing the enemy and you feel like you might lose, remember this scripture and WIN!! :Psalms 144:1 NLT "Praise the Lord, who is my ROCK. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle."


As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
