Remember Your God Given "WHY"
When you feel like quitting, remember why you started!!
Sometimes it gets hard to keep going when no one is in your corner or rooting for you but then I had to realize that in this walk with Christ, we should not be focused on who is supporting us, we should be focused on how our work should reach others to draw closer to God. I am at a point in my life now where I don't care if nobody knows my name, I just want my words to bring the Lord to fame! Even when I have those days where I just want to throw in the towel and never write again, I had to remember my "why". What I mean by that is, whatever it is that you do, whether it be spoken word, artwork, dancing, singing, writing, etc. remember why you started to do what you do.
We all express our love, praise, & worship to God differently and He has placed different gifts and callings on our lives to do so. I know how scary it might be to start a new project or to put yourself out there but that's when you've got to put yourself to the side and put God in front. Whatever is laid upon your heart by the Lord to do, you trust Him, be obedient to Him and just go for it. God wouldn't put something in you to do just for you to tell everyone what you can do but not do it. In the end, you're just playing yourself at that point. Now even though starting something is a very big deal and can often be nerve wracking (if the foundation isn't God, which it SHOULD be)..what do you do when you've been doing something for awhile and you begin to lose motivation?
It's about to get personal again, as always. There was a point in my life where I began to think that this blog was pointless and I found myself worrying about if people were reading and taking in the things I have written. You see, my mind began to wrap itself around ME, MYSELF & I, meaning that, I wasn't thinking about how it was God who gave me this blog and it was Him who sends these words to my spirit. As a result, there were literally weeks were I couldn't write no matter how hard I tried and I can openly admit that there were times where I got frustrated when I couldn't post and write (Side Note: When you operate in your FLESH, everything you try to do falls to the ground and is unsuccessful, the enemy can send a counterfeit blessing but that thing is EXTREMELY temporary and damaging!) During this time of being frustrated and fussing and kicking, wondering why I couldn't do something that was important to me, the Lord had me praying heavily and casting down my flesh. See, I got big headed, thinking that I was the one controlling this blog and such. I was quickly reminded of who God was and yes this sounds small and simple but the Lord is in charge of every single thing when you let Him be. I started repenting more for my angry thoughts and day by day, I prayed the Lord would put it in my mind and heart to remove myself out of His way and to humble me more and more on the daily basis and He did and here I am, and even though I'm back writing again, I still ask God to keep me humble and out of His way.
It dawned on me that I had to remember why this love for writing and sharing was given to me. I knew that I wanted share my experiences as not only a young woman of God but also as a wife in this spiritual walk. I knew that I wanted to help all women of all ages and situations to recognize who they are in Christ. I didn't expect to do it this way though because believe me, I was going to do something COMPLETELY different but as we all know, when you long for the Lord's will to be done, whatever He says goes! Half the time what He wants you to do is extremely uncomfortable and it forces us to TRUST & GROW IN HIM MORE! When there are times where the enemy wants to shut down my praise and make me stop writing, I begin to cast down every single vain thought and imagination and I remember why God had me start everything that He has entrusted me with. Trust is a huge deal on BOTH ENDS! You've got to be trustworthy in order for the Lord to bless you with an idea, vision, blessing, etc. And you've seriously got to trust Him whether you understand what He's doing or not.
Every time I think about God trusting me, I just begin to shift to a very grateful and thankful place. He didn't have to entrust me with this but He did. Start to think of your gifts and callings like that, as soon as you feel like giving up, remember the why that God has given you and know that He has entrusted whatever it is that you do to you for a reason. BUT MAKE SURE GOD IS THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU TO START AND NOT YOUR FLESH! PRAISE GOD!!! You HAVE to keep doing what the Lord told you to do no matter what because believe it or not, people are DEPENDENT ON YOUR YES TO GOD! You never know who you are helping out and reaching to just by being you. Chains will break when you dance, people get delivered when you sing, wounds are healed through your testimony, joy is brought to others when you laugh, people are encouraged through your words.
Don't give up, don't hold back, and embrace who God has called you to be effortlessly!
Don't let the enemy shut down ANYTHING that the Lord has called you to do!
Keep going loves! Just keep going & remember your God given "WHY"!
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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