Put YOURSELF Under The Microscope!

What is a microscope? Basically it is a device that can present small, hidden details to the naked eye. See, some people hunger for that in other people's lives. They're just itching for the latest "tea" but what about having a hunger for that in ourselves?

Put yourself under the microscope!

See, the world really pushes for people to put themselves on a high horse when they have achieved  or accomplished their goals. The world also pushes for people to become big headed about themselves and turn their noses up on those who they think don't level up to them! Lord have mercy! I've been there before, I can talk about it openly because I've been set free from it, it's VERY real, it sounds sad doesn't it? Well it's still happening, ESPECIALLY in the BODY OF CHRIST! It's like a lot of people will put their mouths on others both in the Body of Christ and on those who haven't come to Christ yet. They'll turn their noses up and frown upon the homeless, the street workers, the gang members and all, knowing good and well that if God brought us out of our mess, He can do the same for any and everyone who will receive Him. There is NOTHING that separates YOU from the people on the streets or ANYWHERE else! WE ARE ALL WHAT? SINNERS! HOW DO WE GET FREE? BY COMING TO CHRIST! WHO'S SINS DID HE WIPE CLEAN? OURS! AND SALVATION IS FOR WHO? EVERYONE! It's as if some people use salvation as a badge or a trophy to step on others INTENTIONALLY when they KNOW that when they were in their MESS, God gave them chance after chance after chance to get it together! Now yes, we all know that the Lord will allow your enemies to become your footstool (Psalms 110:1) that's the word, you're just not supposed to use it for your own selfish reasons, trying to justify your own ways of thinking, nope! Ask Yourself: Am I the enemy in this case scenario, am I the bully, is what I'm doing pleasing to God's eyes? See, gossip is a very deadly virus that spreads like wildfire in the Body of Christ! It's time for the KINGDOM BELIEVERS TO SHUT IT DOWN! Not religious church folk who try to play the victim at one moment and the bully on the next moment. We need kingdom believers, those who have a genuine RELATIONSHIP with God! Those who WILL LISTEN TO THE HOLY GHOST & NOT THEIR OWN FEELINGS & EMOTIONS! Some people act as if they NEED to know every little thing about a person's faults, it's as if finding the smallest flaw is a huge victory to some! Sad just sad! Staying up all kinds of hours of the night, watching, waiting for a slip up or stumble to have news to talk about. Spending thousands on a microscope to get a closer look at the faults in someone's life..how about you take a look at your own?

Put yourself under the microscope!

Humbleness needs to return in the Body of Christ and not just publicly, but privately as well! Trust needs to return also. You might say that you are humble and you trust God but do you really though? Are you humble behind closed doors, do you trust God when something happens and no one is around to tell you why you should trust Him in the late midnight hour? More importantly, can God trust YOU? Does He view you as a humble servant or just someone who's all talk in front of people and no action when times get tough? What do your intentions look like when you pray for your hearts desire? Are you really going to give $1000 to the church like you told God last week? Or, when you finally have $1000, will you start making up excuses as into why you can't give what you told God you were going to give? Don't you realize that you told God that? Not just someone else but God! Lord Jesus!!!! You've got things to take care of.....but didn't you say God was your only provider late in the midnight hour? Stop contradicting yourself when the Lord begins to bless you with all the things you've asked for. Know this, it may not be at YOUR pace but it's only being done through God's grace! Don't sit here telling the Lord you're going to sow a seed into someone's life or the church and you're expecting a harvest soon on Sunday and by the time Thursday run by and you haven't seen the harvest, you mad and throw a temper tantrum! But wait! I thought the WORD OF GOD said be a CHEERFUL giver? *cough cough* ( 2 Corinthians 9:7) Now what's your excuse? God's timing is perfect timing and see if you begin sowing/fasting/praying with little to no faith with slight hesitation, why should the Lord do a mighty miracle on your say so? Get it together! You are NOT the captain of this ship, NONE of us are! We are humble SERVANTS and it's a PRIVILEGE to even be alive to serve the true and living God!

Put yourself under the microscope!

There's a girl that you see often and every time you see her, she's got the same clothes on & you and your "friends" clown on her and all. But see, you weren't there when she was up early in the morning, shouting in her bathroom for the miracle God was about to do for her and her child! You weren't there when she wept and called out to Jesus in her prayer closet when her whole family called her useless! You weren't there when people took their anger or bad days out on her and instead of lashing out, she started to forgive them instantly and began to pray for their deliverance and for their days to turn around!! Jesus!! You weren't there when the doctor said one thing but God said be healed and by the time she went back to the doctors, they couldn't figure out how she was even alive and well! You weren't there! Now check this out! There's a man who people have labeled as being not the sharpest tool in the shed but once you bring up God, he starts to speak the Word of God as fluent as a song. Not only does he speak life into his own situation but he has a kind enough heart to speak life into your little situation that you thought nobody knew about! You weren't there when he went home after getting picked on and started to intercede on the behalf of others! You weren't there when the Lord had him walking around schools and hospitals, claiming the territory in Jesus name and performing healing through the Holy Ghost! You weren't there when he had to fast day in and day out! You weren't there when the Lord had him casting out demons in the alleyway you were too afraid to walk past! People were set free and came out of bondage! You weren't there! Moral of the story? God can and is using anyone and you never know who's doing what on their own time because in reality TRUE KINGDOM BELIEVERS know that they don't even run off their own time, they run off of God's time. These are just a few examples of Kingdom Believers!! But you wondering if Susan is cool with Jessie or if Freddie fell into temptation. You worried and talking about all the wrong things when the real servants are out here, not a care in the world, serving the Lord. Think about that. What do YOU look like on the inside?

Put yourself under the microscope!

I'm repeating myself for a reason. We can easily call out all the crap people have done or are doing or believe the illusions the enemy has created or we have created in our own minds. But once someone steps on our whole foot, we cry in a corner and play the victim as if we were little lost sheep all along.. But at 2:00am on Facebook you were the big, bad wolf, blowing everybody houses down... Yeah okay, it's time to KILL OFF THAT FLESH, keep your mouth off of people, and just do what the Lord has told you to do. If you steady wondering about what people think about you and how others walk with Christ is going, you gonna fall off the cliff. Steady walking forward, breaking your neck looking backwards! Now you done fell off the deep end... Who's fault is that? Not God! It's the flesh! Examine yourself! Shift your own atmosphere, study and call out your OWN mess before you have the audacity to call out someone else stuff. NOBODY has it all together as we should all know, there's a difference between correction in the spirit & running your mouth just because. Which one are you doing? Don't look down on those who are getting delivered, the enemy got mad he couldn't keep what he wanted and the Lord set them free! But you steady with your magnifying glass, searching for opened gates to say "oh that's why they ain't right" like seriously? Be glad that your brother/sister is finally free and make sure you taking care of your spiritual self as well because 10/10 when people run their mouths sideways when deliverance takes place, they need deliverance too. 

God is seeing every little thing you do and say anyway. Whatever is done behind people's back is done right in front of God's eyes. 

Even when you are using your spiritual tools of Christ. Are you fasting for 3 days just to broadcast what you didn't eat for a pat on the back? Did you stay up until 4 in the morning just so people can know you prayed for them? Uhhh...you're supposed to be fasting/praying/and in the Word of God on the DAILY basis.

Ask yourself: Are you doing this for a cause or an applause?

Examine yourself, become trustworthy to the Lord & keep your mouth off of people unless the HOLY GHOST leads you to CORRECT that person and that person only not fill in 10 people on the nonsense and then try to correct/talk to the person at the last minute. Don't go to or around people saying "oh I just feel that you should really xyz" no no nope na da! Get delivered from being lead by your feelings and emotions! Do not lean on your own understanding oh yeah, that's in the word too wow (Proverbs 3:5) and you are transformed by what? The RENEWAL of YOUR MIND!! Uh huh (Romans 12:2)

I rather be obedient and pleasing to God 24/7 365 and never be pleasing to people! I pray that this was received well and that the Lord's will was done in Jesus name! 
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
