Stay Humble
"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor."
-James 4:10 NLT-
Look at you, you've made it through the storm, you've passed the test. All of that fighting and enduring until the end. You're most likely glowing with strength and wholeness right about now. Even if some of you are still going through a storm right now, God's been using you for His glory and you're almost there, keep going! During and after the storm, God can use us for our gifts and callings to have His will be done, we just have to start AND finish with a humble mindset and heart. As we have seen time and time again, those who usually want the center of attention rarely get to speak a word in front of others because they are wrapped up tightly in their own flesh. Or when they do speak in front of others, it's a struggle to force words out because when you are wrapped up in self, the glory wont flow because they are trying to glorify themselves. They rather have themselves front and center, taking all the credit for something that clearly God has done. You also have those who want to be the center of attention for pity if something in their life isn't going as planned. God still blesses because sometimes, things just come from grace and mercy alone. One thing I have noticed though, is that when a truly humble person knows who they are and where their place is in the Lord, He lifts them up, takes them from the back to the front of the line and puts a spotlight on them. When people ask humble people how they are climbing the ladder higher and higher, they always give God the glory and praise, even before saying "thank you". You'll rarely hear a humble person snatching the glory from God. Take caution and use discernment though, there are people out here who claim to be humble for a title sake but really they are wrapped up in self glorification!
Self Glorification is a virus spreading through the people. Deliverance is the cure and humbleness will keep them healthy.
You can always spot someone who operates in self glorification by the way they act and the way they speak. Their language gives it away all the time, stay with me on this, I'm not talking about profanity or anything like that. Just something I like to call the "ME chat". The only things that pour out of their mouths usually target and credit themselves in a way that either pulls others down or drown God's glory out. Sounds horrible but it happens and it spreads quickly if people aren't careful. People who operate in self glorification either knows what they are doing or they don't. For the ones who don't know what they are doing, it's because they have been doing it for so long that they have no indicator at all to notice the difference between right and wrong. Self glorification can not only be a pain to listen to and or hear but it is also self damaging to the person operating in it. The Lord shuts their mouths and on top of that, they stump themselves from growing. Even those who are humble need to be weary when the Lord shines a spotlight on them because if they aren't careful or pleading the blood over their character, they can fall into it and or becoming big headed.
When the blessings and miracles start to show up, stay humble.
When God begins to bring humble people to the front or use them in a mighty way, it's so important to keep on praying that the Lord keeps you humble. Keep on asking Him to humble you more and more, the more you go up higher in the natural and spiritual, keep on praying for humbleness over your mind and heart. It's wonderful when God begins to use us and bless us with more than what we've asked for but that doesn't mean we begin to get comfortable and stop fighting as hard as we once was when we were going through. The uncomfortable storm you went through was meant to grow you and build you up. Once it's over, that doesn't mean you let your guard down and get comfortable. Keep fighting because the enemy always tries to throw a desperate attack in an attempt to knock you off course or to see if you really are strong. In Jesus name, you are and the enemy hates that! Know who you are, a humble servant for the Lord Almighty. Live to serve Him and let His will be done. Stay humble when the blessings begin to fall upon your life, don't fall into thinking you deserved what He blessed you with because NONE OF US DESERVE ANYTHING THAT HE GIVES US!!!
Gratefulness during the waiting process.
When you are going through the storm, no matter how hard or uncomfortable the situation may be, think on all the goof things you have to be grateful for. You are alive and here on earth still and that is a huge reason to be grateful. Even though people might have spoken against you, God still supplied your every need and He still showed up and out on your behalf. God sees every little thing that you do, so don't worry about the people who broadcast their "good deed" for attention. He sees you humbly working behind the scenes. He knows the details of your heart. He takes joy in the humbleness and love you display so that someone, somewhere, will see you as an example of God's glory. The Lord will lift you up when you are humble and when He does, remember to stay humble.
"But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted"
-Matthew 23:12 NLT-
So..what will it be then? Self Glorification or Humbleness? You decide!
As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
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