A Woman With Purpose

A woman with purpose does not have to chase people or opportunities, her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her.

Being a woman of God in the Body of Christ can be very victorious when we begin to learn and apply the Word of God to our lifestyles and mindsets. It gets on the enemy's nerves to see us using the tools that the Lord has given us to not only win but to also recognize the authority that was placed on our lives by the good God Almighty. See, it gets on the enemy's nerves because his desire is for us to have an identity crisis and run around lost not knowing who we are and what our purpose is but I just thank God for being God because He lets us know who we are in Him. He makes us whole through His Son, Jesus Christ!! As a woman with purpose, keep this in your mind: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that MY SOUL knows right well" Psalms 139:14 I say that you should keep this in your mind because your soul is your mindset and you can shift your own way of thinking and you have the ability to shift your own atmosphere! Speak life to your mindset!

A woman who walks with God will always reach her destination.

The more we walk with God, the more we continue to recognize what our purpose is and inside of  us is a drive to do anything and everything that is pleasing in the Lord's sight. Not pleasing to friends, family, children, or spouses, but pleasing to God and God alone. With every step that we take as Women of God, we are to always be on guard on who and what is in our atmosphere. What I mean by this is, when we strive to be pleasing to God, we only need to make connections with those He tells us to. We only need to go right when He tells us to go right or up when He tells us to go up. When this drive to please God is awakened from within us, we begin to move different. We become less concerned with what the world is saying about us and more concerned about what God is saying about us. When you begin to hold onto God's word and you allow Him to come into your heart, you will begin to flow with His plan effortlessly, even when you don't understand everything that He is doing. Then you will begin to realize that His way is better than your own way.

What are you waiting for honey? Write down your goals and dreams, take them to the Lord & get to work!

There's nothing wrong with expressing your goals and dreams to the Lord. I'm gonna say that again. There's nothing wrong with expressing your goals and dreams TO THE LORD. Take this in because you can't share everything you are given to everyone. You might slip into the mindset of seeking validation from people. You don't need to seek validation from man when you've already been approved by God. Now, there are times, as we all know, God can say no, not to put us down but to give us better or more than what we are asking for. God isn't meant to be kept in a box so why should our goals, dreams and prayers be boxed sized? From personal experience, I've noticed that God saying no is usually preventing something from happening, allowing something in His plan to start rather than our own and etc. I've also noticed that when you share your goals and dreams in the Lord, it reveals who you are and what your intentions look like to Him. Often times it's an eye opener to see where your heart is at. Take success for an example. It's not about how successful you become, it's about how you can make others successful along the way. Allow God to be the foundation of any and everything you want to do and the more you grow in Him the more you'll want His will to be done.

Purpose Driven Woman

Know who God has called you to be and embrace it effortlessly. Push harder for who you are in Him and live to be pleasing in His sight. Don't you know that you are loved by the most precious high God, the one who loves us unconditionally, the one who gave up His only begotten Son?! He loved us before we even knew who He was, in our mess, He was right there in our corner, rooting for us to come to Him one day. He is our truest of true loves and on top of that He is a gentleman, a father to the fatherless. As we all know, even if we had ten thousand tongues, we wouldn't be able to magnify and thank Him enough. Our purpose as believers is to spread the Good News about the Lord and to be obedient to His will. Now we all do that in different ways because of our different gifts and callings so when we know who we are, we then become effective in the Kingdom of God. When you know your purpose and you accept who God has called you to be, there is a drive that just makes you want to keep going in the things of God by any means necessary. Even when people call you crazy or persecute you, you just keep on fighting and pushing for what God has called you to do because at the end of the day, He gets all the glory, honor and the praise! Ladies, I encourage you all to keep going and it doesn't matter if nobody else is in your corner, know that God is and He will bring you to the front of the line.

Know that YOU ARE strong (isaiah 40:31) YOU ARE valiant (2 samuel 13:28) YOU ARE fearless (proverbs 31:25) YOU ARE ENOUGH (psalms 46:5)

As Always: Stay Blessed & Encouraged:)
